Buckwheat Crepes and AZUKI Whipped Cream そば粉のクレープとあずきのホイップ

I like SOBA noodle.
Some Noodles make me feel guilty, somehow. but not that much guilty with SOBA noodle.
Why? because its from buckwheat.
I made Buckwheat Crepe filled with AZUKI (sweet red beans paste) Whipped cream!


  *Ingredients*  1 Cup = 250ml
Buckwheat Crepe 12 servings
65g (1/2 cup) Buckwheat flour
Buckwheat flour=SOBAKO

250 ml (1 cup) Milk
2 tsp Olive oil or Vegetable oil
a pinch of salt
1 tsp sugar
1 Egg

AZUKI Whipped Cream
100 ml (1/3 cup and 2 tsp) Heavy cream
1 can (200g) of sweetened AZUKI  red bean paste (TSUBUAN)
It's cooked, sweetened. you might be able to find it in Asian super.

1. In a bowl, Whisk all crepe ingredients together. mix well until smooth. Keep it in refrigerator at least for 1 hour.

2. Heat lightly greased  non- stick skillet over medium heat.  . pour the batter onto skillet and spread thinly. Flip it when it cooked. make 12 crepes. let them cool.
light brown!
3.  In a chilled bowl, Whip cream until soft peaks foam. add AZUKI beans and Mix well.

4. Place about 3 tbsp of Whipped cream on a crepe. then Roll up!

and, you can make a galette with this crepe!
Make a crepe in a skillet over low to medium heat, then place egg, ham. and cheese on a crepe. put a little bit salt and pepper.  Cover with a lid until it cooked. and fold up the edges!

and, If you have a pancake mix in your pantry, You should to try cook this AZUKI  whipped cream with Pancake!
Pancake AZUKI Whipped cream Sandwich!
In Japan, We call this as a 'DORAYAKI'.
DORAYAKI is supposed to filled  sweetened AZUKI beans paste between two of pancakes. That's the most basic one.
and There are Azuki whipped cream one in these days. I like both. so yum!


そば粉のクレープ 12枚
そば粉 65g
牛乳 250 ml
塩 ひとつまみ
サラダ油、またはオリーブ油 小さじ2
砂糖 小さじ1

タカナシのクリームホイップ40   100 ml
缶詰の粒あん 一缶(200g程度)

1. クレープの材料をボウルに入れて泡立て器で混ぜる。(そば粉はとてもサラサラなのでふるう必要なしです!ラクチン!)冷蔵庫で1時間以上生地を休ませる。


3. 別のボウルに生クリームを泡立てます。この時、ボウルの底に氷水をあてると泡立ちやすい。ホイップ状になったら、粒あんを加えてさっくり混ぜます。





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