Lentil Stew

This is a meal for the whole family as all 3 of us had it for dinner.

It's thick enough to stay on a spoon for easy feeding
and perfect for a cold day.

I made a double batch and it was divided with some put in the freezer for later.

I love this dish because it's such a healthy filling food, I feel great about each bite that Peanut takes.

On days that your little one is just too busy to bother with eating,
this is the kind of dish you want them to eat.

A small amount packs a lot of punch.

This is one of those soups (or stew...because it's so thick?) 
that is perfect for cleaning out your refrigerator because you can pretty much throw any veggie in.

I used onions and carrots and it I had celery I would have started with a proper mirepoix.

We had zucchini that needed to be used up so that went in as well.
Add diced tomato (or a can of), winter squash, chopped cauliflower or whatever you have.

Adjust the ingredients to suit your child.

Add any meat of your choice when you are sautéing you veggies.

Picnik collage

Lentil Stew

1 cup lentils, rinsed and picked*
4 cups chicken stock (or veggie stock to make this vegetarian or water)
1/2 onion, chopped finely
1 large carrot, peeled and chopped finely
1 large zucchini, peeled and chopped finely
1 clove of garlic, crushed
1/2 teaspoon cumin
1/2 teaspoon paprika
1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil
salt (optional)
cilantro garnish

*Picking over lentils as with any bean just means looking them over for any small pebbles that have found their way in.  I haven't come across any but we might as well look!

Add your olive oil to a large out over medium heat.
When the oil is hot add your onion and carrot and cook until the onions are translucent, about 6 minutes.
Add the rest of the ingredients, give it a stir and bring it to a boil.
Reduce the heat, cover and simmer for 30-40 minutes or until the lentils are very tender.

Adding salt is optional, I added about 1/2 teaspoon kosher salt to the pot.
You could also just add a dash of soy sauce to your bowl when eating individually.

I like this served with just a bit cilantro.

Keep as if or puree to desired consistency.


-Add a dollop of plain whole yogurt or sour cream
-Add curry, ground coriander or ginger
-Use other vegetables like eggplant, winter squash, sweet potato or parsnips
-Add chicken, turkey, beef, lamb or extra firm tofu

Refrigerate for up to 3 days or freeze for up to 3 months.

Lentils are loaded with protein, tons of fiber and iron, folate,
tryptophan, manganese, phosphorus, potassium and vitamin B.
Oh and unlike beans lentils lack sulfur which means no gas.

Carrots have lots of carotenoids that work as antioxidants, convert to vitamin A, boost the immune system and protect and enhance your eyes.

Onions have antioxidants and good sulfur compounds that help fight cancer and build strong bones and connective tissue.

Zucchini is high in potassium, vitamin A, beta-carotene, lutein and manganese.

Garlic can practically be called medicinal.  It's an antioxidant, lowers cholesterol, reduces plaque, an anticoagulant, has been known to help the common cold, lowers blood pressure and so much more.

Cumin helps lower allergies and is a good source of iron, magnesium, potassium and calcium.

 Extra Virgin Olive Oil is not something to be afraid of including in baby's diet.  Yes it's a fat but it's also extremely healthy.  EVOO contains phenols that are antioxidants and is mostly a monounsaturated fat which lowers bad cholesterol and raises the good stuff.
It has been proven to lower risk of certain cancers and lower blood pressure.
The first pressing of the olives is the extra virgin, so it retains the most health benefits.

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