Milestones (mostly so I don't forget when they happened)

1. Pulls himself up to stand! He likes to "crawl" up people but has recently moved onto to pulling himself up on furniture, boxes, etc.

2. Has found his pee pee. Sigh. I was hoping this would wait until he was a bit older, but nope! He plays with his pee pee in the bath tub every night and when I change his diaper. Such a boy.

3. Can crawl up a step! There's a small step from the patio to the living room and he figured out how to get himself up the step today. So great, but also kinda scary!

4. Has 7 teeth! The two bottoms now have 5 friends -- 4 on the top and a new one on the bottom that I just saw today. Crazy.

5. He loves saying "ba ba." No "da da" or "ma ma" yet, but I keep trying.

6. He knows what his binky is. The last few days, when I get him out of his crib I ask him, "Where's your binky?" At first, he didn't know what I was talking about but today when I asked, he reached over to grab it and put it in his mouth! Then I asked him to give mommy the binky and he put it in my hand. Then, I thought I'd test it to make sure he really knew what his binky was. So, I lined it up next to his vaseline bottle and aquaphor bottle (both he loves to play with while I change his diaper). I asked him where his binky was, putting the items in a different order 3 times and EVERY time, he grabbed the binky! What a smart boy. :)

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