Vegetarian Bibimbap


Chinese Radish
It is called "Aodaikon" in Japanese
Aodaikons are sweet radishes, not sour or bitter, so it's good for eat raw.
I cut this one into three parts to see if they tasted different. The white end is just slightly bitter.

Baby bok choy
It called "chingensai" in Japanese.
This one is also not sour and not bitter, so it's easy to eat as well.
Even if you aren't a fan of vegetables...maybe.
Today I made Korean Bibimbap. Of course I tried it with no meat.

These are ingredients above...
Here is the recipe.
3 inches green radish
3 inches carrot
100 g sprout
1 bunch baby of bok choy(if you don't have it, spinach is ok)
60 g seaweed (soak it in water)
2tbs sesame oil
2 clove garlic graced
1 tsp salt
1/2 tsp say sauce
red pepper
sesame seeds

1.Slice the carrot, radish and baby bok choy 0.5mm-thick and cut 2 inches long and add some salt.(check the picture)
2.Combine the sesame oil, garlic and salt.
3.When the vegetables are soft, squeeze them in your hands to remove excess water.
And add the dressing each bowls. Seaweed, too.
4.In the sprout bowl, add some red pepper. And in the baby bok choy bowl, add soy sauce.
(so when you eat it you can enjoy several different flavors)
5.Place the brown rice on a plate or bowl and add the radish, carrot, baby bok choy and seaweed. Add some sesame seeds.

Vegetarian Bibimbap
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