Easy and Delicious Ginger Dressing

Have you ever tried Ginger Root?
Ginger is one of my favorite herbs!

【Ginger Dressing Salad】

Ginger is an herb from tropical and subtropical regions grown for its pungent, spicy underground stems, or rhizomes. It has long been used in China and India for cooking and medicine. Ginger root is particularly beneficial for upset stomach, nausea and indigestion but also has a stimulating effect on blood circulation. You should check with your doctor before taking ginger root.

Platelet Stickiness

Ginger is considered a warming herb that stimulates the flow of blood and maintains overall health. Ginger improves blood circulation by dilating blood vessels and decreasing platelet aggregation. Ginger is available in the form of topical ointment. You can rub your skin with this ointment to increase blood circulation.

Read more: http://www.livestrong.com/article/502635-ginger-root-circulation/#ixzz1y9sSSnkx

Here is my favorite ginger root dressing recipe!

【Easy and Delicious Ginger Dressing】

Ingredients(serve 2)

1/2 tsp grated ginger root
2 tbs rice vinegar
1 tbs soy sauce
1 tsp sesame oil
2 pinch of sugar
1/2 tsp sesame seeds


1. Mix the all ingredients in a small bowl and mix well.

2. Pour on your vegetables before you eat!

*I used few kinds of lettuce and walnuts



【Vegetable Gohan Recommend】

*Sesame Oil

Kevala Organic Toasted Sesame Oil 8oz

*Brown Rice Vinegar

Eden Foods Organic Brown Rice Vinegar -- 10 fl oz

*Palm Sugar

  As Seen on Dr. OZ! Organic Coconut Palm Sugar - 1lb bag


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