stupid leaking diapers

The other thing that's been throwing a wrench into Cam's night sleeping is that he keeps leaking his diaper! At 2:30am he's consistently been getting up and fussing. More than half the time when I go in to check on him, his diaper has leaked. His sleeper is soaked, the bed is wet and I understand why he's fussing. Poor kid.

Poor daddy too because he has to get up and help me. I can't take Cam out AND change his sheets. So, Brian has to change his sheet while I change Camden's sleeper. At this point, Cam is wide awake so we have no choice but to give him a small feeding to get him back to sleep. This pattern so needs to stop.

We use pamper nightime diapers but I'm thinking we need to start putting him in 4's instead of the 3's that keep leaking. Hopefully that will fix the problem?

I'm so tired of washing his mattress cover and sheets. And I'm sure Brian is tired of having to get up and change the sheets in the middle of the night. See, these are things those stupid sleep books don't take into account. If I kept ignoring Cam's cries at 2:30am, he'd be sleeping in his own pee!

More and more, I'm learning to balance what these books and doctors, etc tell you with trusting my instincts. Mommy instincts are real. There's no denying it.

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