Homemade NIKUMAN (Chinese Steamed Bun with a filling of pork) おうちで肉まん
I made NIKUMAN(Steamed Bun with a filling of pork meat )!
I knew Nikuman is delicious, that's why I made them. But I didn't expect to succeed sooooo well!!!
Am I genius? Am I born to cook NIKUMAN?
Haha! I'm joking!
In Japan, We can buy Nikuman at grocery or at CVS.
I was curious to know how does homemade one work. Is it difficult to cook? Is it yummy?
Now, I can tell you that Homemade Nikuman is worth to cook at home! it's so delicious, nice and soft!
Ok. Let's cook them!
:note : 1 cup=250ml
*Ingredients*NIKUMAN (Chinese-Steamed Bun)
8 serving
125ml (1/2 cup) Milk
1 tbsp Salad Oil
1/4 tsp salt
250g (2cup) all-purpose flour
3 tbsp Sugar
1 tsp Dry yeast
1 tsp Baking powder
(meat filling)
170g (6 oz) Ground Pork
3 SHITAKE mushroom
1 Japanese Leek
1/2 tbspGrated Ginger Root
1/2 tsp Sesame oil
1/2 tsp Salt
1 tbsp Soy sauce
1/2 tsp Sugar
1/2 tbsp MIRIN(Sweet Sake)
pepper to taste
Cut Wax paper into 4 inch × 4 inch square.
Warm milk to body temperature.
1.Mix all Dough ingredients in a bowl. Knead for about 10 minutes. Cover a bowl with Plastic wrap and let rise in warm place until double in size. (about 30 to 60 minutes.)
2. Let's make a filling next! Mince Leek and SHITAKE mushroom. In a bowl, Combine all Filling ingredients together. Keep in refrigerator.
3. Punch down dough! Divide it into 8 equal size and Roll it into ball shape. Cover loosely with clean well-wrung cloth. Bring water to boil and Set a Steamer.
4. Roll each dough into circle shape with roll pins. place 1/8 of filling mixture on a dough and wrap. then put each of them on Wax paper.
5. When steam starts to rise from steamer, turn down the heat. (Don't burn!! Steamer is hot!!!) Place bun on steamer tray leaving about 2 inch between each buns. Put on the steamer lid. Turn the flame up to high, Steam for 12 to 15 minutes.
Enjoy! it's very tasty!
強力粉 125g
薄力粉 125g
グラニュー糖 大さじ3
ドライイースト 小さじ1
BP 小さじ1
豚ひき肉 170g
椎茸 3こ
長ネギ(青い固い部分は使わない) 1本
ショウガ(すりおろしたもの) 大さじ1/2
ごま油 小さじ1/2
塩 小さじ1/2
醤油 大さじ1
砂糖 小さじ1/2
みりん 大さじ1/2
胡椒 少々
1. ボウルに、生地の材料を全て入れて10分くらい捏ねる。まとめて、ラップをして暖かいところで30分~1時間程発酵させる。
2. 生地を発酵させてる間に具を作る。長ネギ、椎茸をみじん切りにし、具の材料全てをねっとりしてくるまでよく手で混ぜる。
3. 生地が2倍程度に膨らんだら、パンチをしてガス抜きをし、8等分し丸める。乾かないように、濡れ布巾をかぶせておく。このへんで、蒸し器を沸かし始める。
4. 生地を綿棒で伸ばす。中央は分厚く端っこは薄くなるように伸ばし、具の1/8量を真ん中にのせて包む。蒸している途中にパカっと開いてしまうので、しっかり包んで閉じる。クッキーングシートの上にのせておく。
5. 蒸し器の蒸気が立ちだしたら肉まん同士の間隔をあけて肉まんをおき、強火で約12~15分蒸す。
I knew Nikuman is delicious, that's why I made them. But I didn't expect to succeed sooooo well!!!
Haha! I'm joking!
In Japan, We can buy Nikuman at grocery or at CVS.
I was curious to know how does homemade one work. Is it difficult to cook? Is it yummy?
Now, I can tell you that Homemade Nikuman is worth to cook at home! it's so delicious, nice and soft!
Ok. Let's cook them!
*Ingredients*NIKUMAN (Chinese-Steamed Bun)
8 serving
125ml (1/2 cup) Milk
1 tbsp Salad Oil
1/4 tsp salt
250g (2cup) all-purpose flour
3 tbsp Sugar
1 tsp Dry yeast
1 tsp Baking powder
(meat filling)
170g (6 oz) Ground Pork
3 SHITAKE mushroom
1 Japanese Leek
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Use soft white part. |
1/2 tbspGrated Ginger Root
1/2 tsp Sesame oil
1/2 tsp Salt
1 tbsp Soy sauce
1/2 tsp Sugar
1/2 tbsp MIRIN(Sweet Sake)
pepper to taste
Cut Wax paper into 4 inch × 4 inch square.
Warm milk to body temperature.
1.Mix all Dough ingredients in a bowl. Knead for about 10 minutes. Cover a bowl with Plastic wrap and let rise in warm place until double in size. (about 30 to 60 minutes.)
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Knead! |
2. Let's make a filling next! Mince Leek and SHITAKE mushroom. In a bowl, Combine all Filling ingredients together. Keep in refrigerator.
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minced Leek |
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you can use food processor. |
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mix well till sticky. |
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Punch!! |
4. Roll each dough into circle shape with roll pins. place 1/8 of filling mixture on a dough and wrap. then put each of them on Wax paper.
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pinch with your fingers tightly. if not, it could open. |
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Practice makes perfect! |
5. When steam starts to rise from steamer, turn down the heat. (Don't burn!! Steamer is hot!!!) Place bun on steamer tray leaving about 2 inch between each buns. Put on the steamer lid. Turn the flame up to high, Steam for 12 to 15 minutes.
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Again, Be careful! |
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出来たてをかぷりっといきたいね。 |
牛乳(人肌に温めたもの) 125ml
サラダオイル 大さじ1
塩 小さじ1/4
強力粉 125g
薄力粉 125g
グラニュー糖 大さじ3
ドライイースト 小さじ1
BP 小さじ1
豚ひき肉 170g
椎茸 3こ
長ネギ(青い固い部分は使わない) 1本
ショウガ(すりおろしたもの) 大さじ1/2
ごま油 小さじ1/2
塩 小さじ1/2
醤油 大さじ1
砂糖 小さじ1/2
みりん 大さじ1/2
胡椒 少々
1. ボウルに、生地の材料を全て入れて10分くらい捏ねる。まとめて、ラップをして暖かいところで30分~1時間程発酵させる。
2. 生地を発酵させてる間に具を作る。長ネギ、椎茸をみじん切りにし、具の材料全てをねっとりしてくるまでよく手で混ぜる。
3. 生地が2倍程度に膨らんだら、パンチをしてガス抜きをし、8等分し丸める。乾かないように、濡れ布巾をかぶせておく。このへんで、蒸し器を沸かし始める。
4. 生地を綿棒で伸ばす。中央は分厚く端っこは薄くなるように伸ばし、具の1/8量を真ん中にのせて包む。蒸している途中にパカっと開いてしまうので、しっかり包んで閉じる。クッキーングシートの上にのせておく。
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コツを掴むまで何度か練習する必要あり! |
5. 蒸し器の蒸気が立ちだしたら肉まん同士の間隔をあけて肉まんをおき、強火で約12~15分蒸す。
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