camden updates 2011

you'd think that my appendectomy recovery would have made me blog a lot since i was practically chained to the house for 2 weeks, but clearly that has not been the case. thankfully, i'm pretty much healed from that random and incredibly painful ordeal, and thanks to brian and my wonderful parents, these past couple of weeks have almost felt like a mommy vacation! since i couldn't carry camden for 2 weeks post-surgery, i couldn't take cam in or out of his crib, put him in his high chair or do much of anything. so, i milked it for all it was worth. i slept in every morning and gladly let my mom feed him during the day. i missed carrying camden but i have to admit, after awhile i got used to my new found freedom. i could sit around and not feel guilty about it cause i figured after all that appendix pain, i deserved it!

but now my 2 weeks are up and it's back to normal mommyhood soon. i've been carrying cam here and there the last couple of days and i have to say, it felt so nice to "up up" him again.

but enough of that.

so what's new with cam these days? well, he's babbling a lot more. he's definitely telling us something but most of the time you're guess is as good as ours as to what he's saying. his vocabulary now consists of:

nana (banana)
wawa (water)
baba (binky or big bird)
papa (grandpa)
gahma (grandma)
nu-doh (noodle)
ah-mm (elmo)
ku-kuhm (cookie monster)
cuh-cuh (this means a number of things: cracker, keys and car are what i can make out so far)

it's not much, but at least it's something! other new feats:
  • he nods his head yes. but it's only one nod and then bouncing of his body.
  • he knows how to spin around in a circle, both on his feet and while sitting on his butt. daddy taught him both.
  • he can knock on doors.
  • if he wants to show you something or wants you to do something, he'll grab your hand to lead you somewhere or put your hand on whatever it is he wants. i.e. if he wants you to unscrew the cap to his sippy cup, he'll grab your hand and put it on the cap. incredibly cute!
  • he can point to and/or show you his head, ears, eyes, nose, mouth, belly (in both japanese and english) teeth, hair, feet, toes, hands and fingers (only in english cause i don't readily know the japanese names for all of the last six).
  • he does the "hot dog" dance anytime he sees mickey mouse. if you've every watch mickey mouse club playhouse, you know what i'm talking about.

here's my handsome little man, growing up so fast!

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