job hunting SUCKS.

I recently stated that moving was the bane of my existence. I take it back. Job hunting beats it by a mile. I called my friend Jo to complain about how much I hate job hunting. I hate the process. I hate the research. I hate the effort it takes to write cover letters and tailor your resume. I hate networking and asking people for favors (it's all about who you know!). I hate the waiting and negotiating.

Jo says I seem to have a lot of hate in my heart. ;)

Ugh. I've worked at three companies in my career. I've done the job search thing before and it always takes me awhile to find the perfect gig. Some call back, some don't. Some interviews I blow, others I rock. But no matter what, it's a stressful process and I thoroughly dislike it.

And now with a baby, job hunting is even harder. On top of finding the perfect job -- something I'm interested in and qualified for, I also need to consider a job that allows me to see my son and spend time with him. Traffic in Hawaii doesn't help matters either. All the good jobs are downtown and traffic from where I live to town is insane. So, I have to make sacrifices. But I also know me. If I'm going to be away from Camden for 10 hours a day, the gig better be worth it. So, finding the right job is 10 times harder than just finding a JOB.

Sigh. And the search continues. I have a few good leads at the moment but nothing concrete yet. My wonderful friend, Courtney, has been doing all she can to help me and I LOVE HER for it! Thanks, Court!

Everyone keep their fingers crossed that something great will materialize soon. In the meantime, I'm trying my best to enjoy every moment at home with Camden. Cause at some point, that will be a distant memory. :(

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