Mexican flavoured beans salad that really rocks!

Mexican beans salad for BBQ by Appetit Voyage
Mexican beans salad for BBQ!
This another great refreshing salad for your bbq! Beans are so versatile, so satisfying and then I added the freshness of the coriander and the crunchy of the bell pepper. The whole salad is just so punchy-crunchy-crazy!
Ingredients for 4 persons:
- 400 gr. cooked white beans
- 2 spring onions
- 1 red bell peppers
- 1/2 red chili
- 1 handful of coriander
- olive oil 
- lemon juice
- salt and pepper

1/ Slice the spring onions, the coriander and the bell pepper in thin slices.

2/ In a bowl mix all the ingredients.

3/ Spread 2 tbs. of olive oil, splash of lemon, salt and pepper.

Keep in the fridge till service. It is a great side dish for any nice meat or fish!



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