Asian roasted roots for an autumn dinner

Asian roasted roots for an autumn dinner by Appetit Voyage
Roasted Autumn Roots
This week I prepared a quick dinner for my dear friend, mentor, business partner, and more: Cecilia Götherstrom!
I don´t know about you, but sometimes it is difficult to spend a lot of time cooking at night after a long day at work! Well, even for me who loves cooking, it can be a challenge!

So let me share with you this easy and quick recipe for any time of the week, but also for a special occasion when you want to treat yourself and your guests!

And as it is autumn and we want to warm up our hearts and soul, let´s try this:

Ingredients for 2 persons:

- 400 gr. of carrots
- 2 parsnips
- 1 thumb of fresh ginger
- 1 finger of fresh curcuma/turmeric
- 2 tsp. of coconut oil
- 1 tsp. of garam massala spices mix
- 1 handful of cashews
- 1 tbsp. of honey
- salt and pepper

Turn on the oven at 180ºC.
Asian roasted roots for an autumn dinner by Appetit Voyage
Colorful carrots and other roots!
1/ Peel the carrots and parsnips. You can add any other roots you may like as celery fro example, or potatoes. Slice in long sticks. Slice thinly the ginger and curcuma

2/ Place in a large baking tray. Add the coconut oil, garam massala powder, salt and pepper. With your hands, mix well the ingredients in order the veggies are properly covered with the coconut oil. Pour the honey on top.

3/ Place the tray in the oven to 20 minutes. Stir every once in a while the veggies to have them properly roasted. 5 minutes before the end, add the cashews to let them roast a little bit.

4/ In the meanwhile, you can prepare a speed fish! In a small pan, pour a can coconut milk. Add some white fish fillets. I used frozen codfish fillets that I directly placed in the pan. Make sure the milk cover the fish and cook for 10 minutes with a kaffir lime leave. Add Salt and pepper.

Asian roasted roots for an autumn dinner by Appetit Voyage
Quick Asian twist dinner!
5/ When your roots are beautifully roasted and golden, take them out of the oven and serve with the fish and some coconut milk sauce.

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