Mini veggies quiches

Gluten free, dairy free and sugar free veggies quiches by Appetit Voyage
Mini Veggies Quiches

These mini veggies quiches are great for a snack, an aperitif or even a lunch! They are totally gluten, dairy and sugar free to suit to all of us!

This new recipe is inspired by some of previous recipes of quiche I shared already on this blog like the Spring Veggies Quiche or my signature quiche. I twisted it quite a bit to make it gluten free and dairy free! And I also want to show you that you can change your perspective for any dish you cook, preparing small individual bites using your muffin mold instead of a large mold. You can then easily freeze it and have it available any time you feel like snacking!


Ingredients for 24:

- 6 eggs
- 100 gr. of almond flour
- 1/2 red onion
- 200 gr. Bell peppers, zucchini and any veggies you like
- 400 ml of rice milk or any other milk you like
- Salt, pepper, nutmeg and chives

Gluten free, dairy free and sugar free veggies quiches by Appetit Voyage
Add your favorite veggies
Turn on the oven at 180ºC.

1/ In a bowl, join the yolks of the eggs (reserve the whites), milk and flour. Mix it well.

2/Slice the onion really thinly, and all the veggies in small dices and grill it also in a pan with a tbsp. of coconut oil till golden. You can skip this step if you like crunchy veggies in your quiche!

3/ Add the veggies as well as the thinly sliced chives. Salt, pepper and nutmeg or any other spices you like!

4/ Then whisk the whites firmly with a pinch of salt till they get stiff.
Add the whites to the mixture carefully.

Gluten free, dairy free and sugar free veggies quiches by Appetit Voyage
Secret trick for fluffy quiche
5/ In a muffin mold or paper cups, pour evenly the mixture and let it 10 minutes at 180ºC. If you make it in large mold, count 25 minutes instead of 10.

You will get a smooth and sponge quiche, perfect as a snack or lunch with a salad! Enjoy!

Repeat and try all kind of combinations of veggies, spices and milks! Start to be creative in your cooking and surprise yourself!

a ppetit voyage is much more than reviews and recipes!

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Gluten free, dairy free and sugar free veggies quiches by Appetit Voyage
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