Pumpkin Gnocchis with buttered sage sauce by Stephi

pumpkin gnocchis by Appetit Voyage
Pumpkin gnocchis by Stephi
This is one of the recipe I wanted to try for a long time, and I finally dedicated the last pumpkin of the season to it! It is easy but I have to advise to have some time to cook the gnocchis,... Better do it during a weekend, when you have time and you are relaxed!

Ingredients for 8 persons:
- 500 gr. of cooked pumpkin or squash
- 1,20 kg. of wheat flour
- 2 eggs
- 1/2 grated nutmeg (1 tsp)
- salt and pepper

Buttered sage sauce:
- 150 gr. of butter
- 1 handful of fresh sage

1/ Steam the pumpkin for 20 minutes till it gets tender and keep the bouillon.

2/ Peel the pumpkin and mash it. Let it cool.

3/ Mix the pumpkin puree with the eggs. 

4/ Then, add the flour, little by little. Add salt and pepper and the nutmeg till you get a smooth mixture. 

homemade pocket sleeve by Appetit Voyage
Homemade pocket sleeve!
5/ Place the gnocchis mixture in a freezer plastic bag and cut one of the corner. This is the easiest way to make a pocket sleeve!

6/ Boil the pumpkin bouillon again with some extra water. Add salt and 1 stick of fresh sage.

7/ Drop some nut size balls in the boiling water pressing the the plastic bag and cutting the dough with a scissors. It had been the easiest way to do it and an quickest as well.

8/ When the gnocchis are cooked they will  come up to the boiling surface. Drain and reserve on a plate.

roasted pork loin with pumpkin gnocchis by Appetit Voyage
Roasted Pork loin with Pumpkin gnocchis
9/ When all the gnocchis are ready. Melt the butter in a large frying pan. Add the sage straight away in order the butter can get the flavor of the sage. Pour the pumpkin gnocchis in the buttered sage. Mix and add a glass of the remaining bouillon. Mix well till the sauce really cover the gnocchis.

Serve the gnocchis with some nice meat or just on its own. The mix of the pumpkin flavor and the refined sage is just delicious! I chose a pork loin in the oven to go with it,... pure pleasure!
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