Mini Salmon and Brussels sprouts burger with Asian glazing

Recipe by Appetit Voyage because Brussels sprouts rock!
Mini Salmon and Brussels Sprouts burgers
Do you like Brussels sprouts? I hated them till 3 years ago... 
And now, you see me all excited when I found them at the market this weekend announcing the launch of the season. 
Holland and the Beebox definitely changed me a lot, I can tell you! I never thought I would be 'excited' at Brussels sprouts!

Furthermore, I tried some amazing ones in Stockholm in February, and I was waiting to try to cook something similar,...

And here it is: salmon burger and Asian Brussels sprouts.... soooo cute! and delicious!

Ingredients for 24 mini burgers:
- 24 Brussels sprouts
- 300 gr. of fresh salmon
- 1 egg white
- 1 tbsp of almond flour
- 1 garlic
- 2 slices of fresh ginger
- 1 lemon zest
- 3 drops of tabasco
- salt and pepper
- 1 tbsp. of coconut oil

Recipe by Appetit Voyage because Brussels sprouts rock!
Japanese Seven Spices
Asian glazing:
- 2 tbsp. of chestnut honey
- 3 tbsp. of soy sauce or tamari for a gluten free version
- 2 tsp. of fish sauce
- 1 pinch of sichi mi togarashi which a Japanese mix of spices, but chili flakes are good as well
- Madagascar pepper or black pepper or Sichuan pepper

1/ First prepare the salmon mini patties! Mince the salmon with a good knife till you get like grounded salmon.

2/ Put the salmon in a bowl, and add the crushed garlic and ginger. Grate the lemon skin.

3/ Add salt and pepper, the egg white and the almond flour. Mix together well. Put the salmon in the fridge.
Recipe by Appetit Voyage because Brussels sprout rock!
Mini Burgers

4/ In the meanwhile steam for 10 to 15 minutes the cleaned Brussels sprouts. Let them cool when ready.

5/ Get some toothpicks. Cut in 2 the sprout. Put half on the pick. Get the salmon mixture and ad on top a walnut size of salmon. Press gently the patty on the pick and the sprout. Add the second half of the sprout to get your mini burger!

6/ Prepare the glazing in a small pan gathering all the ingredients together. Put the heat medium and  cook it boils and starts to get lightly thicker. Let it cool.

Recipe by Appetit Voyage because Brussels sprouts rock!
Asian Glazing
7/ In a fried-pan, put the coconut oil at medium high heat, and put all your burgers. Let it cook for 2 minutes. Turn them around and let it 2 more minutes. When the burgers start to get a nice color, pour the glazing on top and make sure all the burgers are wrapped in the dark caramel sauce.

8/ It is ready for service! It can be a nice appetizer or starter you can eat with your fingers. The Brussels sprout is just amazing with the spicy and sweet glazing. And the salmon burger is just so delicious and fresh with the lemon and ginger.... it is a really nice combination!

Recipe by Appetit voyage because Brussels sprouts rock!
Salmon balls
Tip: you can also make the salmon patties only or make them in small balls you will serve with the sprouts. It is another way to serve it, with quite less handling!

I hope you will love it! Let me know how you did it and if the explanations are clear enough.

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