Seaside Chickpeas

Appetit Voyage
Tiger prawns - chickpeas stew by Appetit Voyage
My trip to the North of Spain really inspired me and and I would like to share with you a quick and easy recipe that just amazed me! My first lunch in Asturias in a small family run restaurant showed once again how the homemade cuisine and the high quality of raw ingredients makes everything different!
Asturias is a crossroads between sea and mountain! This recipe is a perfect example of it with a mix of delicious delicate tiger prawns and the earthy plain chickpeas!

Let me introduce you to the prawns chickpeas, a quick and easy recipe that will change your idea about legumes!

For 4 persons:
- 600 grs. of cooked chickpeas
- 8- 12 raw tiger prawns
- 1 garlic clove
- fresh thyme and sage
- 1 saffron stamen
- 1tbsp of olive oil
- salt and pepper

In a pan, put the olive oil and the peeled whole garlic at medium heat. When the oil is warm add the raw prawns. Stir a couple of minutes and let the prawns get their beautiful red color. 

When they are colored, slow down the heat and add the cooked chickpeas previously rinsed with water. Add 50cl of water a couple of fresh sage leaves and thyme. Add the saffron salt and pepper. 


Cover and let it cook for at least 30 minutes slowly. Keep an eye and make sure you always have enough water in the pan. After this time the water should have reduced a third and turn into a tasty salsa.

You can even keep it and warm it up the day after, it will be even better.

It is amazing how the flavor of the prawns just get over the whole dish ant turn the plain chickpeas into a delicate sea discovery. Enjoy!

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