Salmon and Spinach Crepes by Stephi

Appetit Voyage
Salmon and Spinach Crepe
The light is coming back! Did you notice it? Days are getting longer, little by little! Since ancient times, people celebrate the comeback of the sun with Candlemas on the 2nd of February.

One of the most traditional way to celebrate it in France is cooking crepes! I tried some new recipes I want to share with you! Quick, easy and delicious!

First of all, prepare some nice crepes following my recipethat is also available on the blog. Keep the crepes warm with a bowl of hot water below the plate, and some aluminium foil on top.


Ingredients for 2 persons:
-         400 grs of fresh Spinach
-         1 garlic clove
-         2+1 tbs. of olive oil
-         2 salmon fillets
-         1 Lemon
-         2 tbs. of heavy cream

1/ Peel and slice the garlic. Put it in a fried pan with the olive oil, and let warm it up at medium heat for 3 minutes. When the garlic starts to spread its flavor, pour the fresh spinach and let it for 10 minutes max till it gets cooked.

2/ Then add, salt and pepper and 2 tbs. of heavy cream, stir. Reserve.

Appetit Voyage
Balsamic Salmon
3/ In a fried pan, put 1 tbs of olive oil, and cook your salmon fillet 2 minutes on each face. Add some coarse sea salt and pepper and 1 tbs. of balsamic cream on top of each salmon. Turn the fillets till the balsamic cream starts to caramelized. It is ready!

4/ Place a crepe in a middle of a plate. Add some spinach and place the salmon on top. Fold the crepe and serve straight away.

I really loved the combination of flavors! The salmon is quiet sweet but the coarse sea salt and pepper leaves a nice balanced taste. The mix of the spinach-salmon-crepes is just divine! I hope you will enjoy it!

Find more crepes recipes on the blog:

Enjoy and share with your friends and family!

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