How to make the famous japanese okonomiyaki pancake?

Okonomiyaki is the Japanese pancake. It also happens to be really easy to prepare, and I find a great original way to prepare pancakes! 

This one will be actually the aperitif of my Candelmas crepes dinner on the next 2nd of February!
I found more information about the Candelmas origins, also called Imbolc in the North of Europe, the mid-solstice celebration, that is meant to celebrate the back of the good weather, and a prayer for a good harvest. 
The crepe is indeed shaped as round to remind the sun. I find quite exciting that such an ancient celebration survived for thousands of years despite the cultural and religious changes.

Anyway, let's go back to our Japanese pancake: Okonomiyaki!
Okonomi means "how you like" or "what you like" and "yaki" grill. Actually, the ingredients list changes from city to city throughout Japan, and you can find endless ways to prepare it, cook it and serve it.

I chose a basic recipe that can get close to the original taste, but with Western ingredients.

Ingredients for Japanese Oknomiyaki pancake for 4 persons:
- 400 gr. of wheat flour
- 40 cl of broth
- 8 green cabbage leaves
- 4 eggs
- 150 gr. of cooked prawns
- salt and pepper

For service: tuna flakes, nori leaves and homemade bulldog sauce (homemade ketchup + soy sauce)

1/ Prepare a broth by cooking the cabbage leaves in boiling water. When the leaves are ready, after 20 minutes approx., let the broth reduce till 40 cl. Let it cool down.

2/ In a blender, mix together the flour, broth and eggs. Adjust the seasoning. 

3/ In a bowl, get together the batter, cabbage and prawns.

4/ In a large pan, melt a medium heat, 1 full spoon of coconut oil. When it is hot, pour the batter. Proceed like a tortilla. Actually, this is like a big tortilla!

5/ Give it a flip after 10 minutes, when the it is already quite firm. Slow down the heat, leave it 5 more minutes.

6/ Transfer on a plate, and sprinkle nori leaves, bulldog sauce and the flakes. Serve right away! And enjoy!!! I cut it squares like a tortilla again...

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