Fusion Chinese Cabbage

Fusion Chinese Cabbage by Appetit Voyage
Fusion Chinese Cabbage, Spanish style
This recipe is another tip to eat your greens and still find it yummy! Actually, this is one of the basics I learned in Spain where thanks to my Andalusian friend, Pilar, I learned to like cauliflower!

I always hated cauliflower! As I did for beetroot, endives or Brussels sprouts. I even have this terrible memories of my mum trying to make me eat these veggies,... terrible memories!

So, now that I grew up, and I met so much great cooks all over the world and discover so much new ways to cook and enjoy food, I find it important to me to share it with you and make perhaps change your mind about food and cooking.

This recipe is a mix of Asian flavors and Spanish spices. It is quick and easy and can be used for much other types of veggies, starting with cauliflower, of course!

Ingredients for 2 persons:
- 1 Chinese cabbage
- 200 gr. of bacon
- 1 tbsp. of sesame seeds
- 1 garlic clove
- 1 handful of parsley
- 1 tsp. of paprika powder

1/ Wash the cabbage. Cut in 2 and steam for 10 minutes.

2/When it is ready, let it cool down, and cut in large pieces.

3/ In a fried pan, put the bacon and crushed garlic and let them sweat and get golden at medium heat.

4/ Add the paprika powder and sesame seeds. Stir well to make a sofrito as we say in Spain. It means a sauce basis. 

5/ Add the cabbage straight away and mix well in order the cabbage gets soaked with this sauce. Let cook 5 more minutes.

6/ Add the parsley thinly sliced and serve. It can be light lunch on its own or you can serve it as a side with rice and meat.

I would be really curious about your feedback about this one, so please feel free to leave your comments and impressions below! Enjoy!

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