Located on the southeastern coast of Africa, Mozambique has an area of 309,496 square miles (801,590 square kilometers), slightly less than twice the size of the state of California. Mozambique is 44% coastal lowlands. The most important rivers are the Zambezi, the Limpopo, the Save (Sabi), and the Lugenda. The most important lake is Lake Malawi (also called Lake Niassa).

Thick forest covers the wet regions, but the drier interior has little vegetation. As with the dense forest elsewhere in the world, Mozambique has lost 70% of its forests. Wild animals, such as elephants, buffalo, wildebeests, zebras, hippopotamuses, lions, crocodiles, and over 300 varieties of birds, roam the country. In some areas there are problems with the purity of the water supply.


Some of the earliest inhabitants of present-day Mozambique were small groups of hunter-gatherers, often called Bushmen. These nomadic groups traveled from one place to the next in search of seasonal fruits, vegetables, roots, and seeds. To supplement their primitive diet, the groups would also follow herds of wild animals such as impala (an African antelope) and buck, killing them with poisonous bows and arrows. Permanent settlements were never established because agriculture (cultivating land to produce crops) was not practiced.

Around a.d. 300, Bantu-speaking Africans from the north introduced the practice of agriculture to Mozambique. The Bantu, who were primarily farmers and ironworkers, migrated to present-day Mozambique in search of farmable land. Over the next several hundred years, agricultural systems were established to collectively grow maize (similar to corn) and other grains.

Arab merchants, who arrived in sailing ships called dhows, set up some of the first trading posts in the 700s. They brought with them various items, including sal (salt), essential in preserving foods such as meat. In 1498, a Portuguese explorer named Vasco da Gama landed at Mozambique on his voyage to India, quickly establishing Portuguese ports and introducing foodstuffs and customs to the Mozambican culture.

Ruling for nearly 500 years, the Portuguese greatly impacted the cuisine of Mozambique. Crops such as cassava (a starchy root) and cashew nuts (Mozambique was once the largest producer of these nuts), and pãozinho (pronounced pow-zing-yo; Portuguese-style bread rolls) were brought in by the Portuguese. The use of seasonings such as onions, bay leaves, garlic, fresh coriander, paprika, chili peppers, red sweet peppers, and wine were introduced by the Portuguese, as was sugarcane, maize, millet, rice, sorghum (a type of grass), and potatoes. Prego (steak roll), rissois (battered shrimp), espetada (kebab), pudim (pudding), and the popular inteiro com piripiri (whole chicken in piri-piri sauce) are all Portuguese dishes commonly eaten in present-day Mozambique.


The cuisine of Mozambique revolves around fresh seafood, stews, corn porridge (maize meal), arroz (rice), millet (a type of grain), and mandioca (cassava). Meats such as bifel (steak) and frango (chicken) are often accompanied by beans, cassava chips, cashew nuts, coconut, batata (potatoes), and a variety of spices, including garlic and peppers (a Portuguese influence). Seasonal fruta (fresh fruit; Mozambique’s papaya and pineapples are known as some of the juiciest in the world), puddings made of fruits and rice, and fried balls of flour paste (similar to doughnuts), most often accompanied by Mozambican chá (tea), make a delicious ending to any meal.

In the mornings for pequeno almoço (breakfast), tea and coffee are commonly sold with sandwiches made of ovos (egg) or fresh peixe (fish), or a slightly sweetened bread-cake. The pequeno almoço is usually light, however, as the main meal of the day is normally almoço (lunch) at midday.

Those who work in cities and towns often purchase almoço from food stalls (also called tea stalls), which are located on roadsides, bus stations, and markets around town. Pregos (steak sandwiches), burgers, fried chicken, meat stews, and rice are typical fare available from the stalls. Fresh seafood from off the coast of Mozambique is abundant and is considered some of the most delicious food available. It is sold nearly everywhere from street stalls to city restaurants, though it is more available near the coast. Fresh fish, prawns (similar to shrimp), calamari (squid), crab, lobster, and crayfish are often served with arroz (rice) or batata fritas (fries, known as chips). Matata, a seafood and peanut stew, is a typical local dish. Rice topped with sauce, spicy stew, fresh fruit (such as pineapples sprinkled with sugar and cashew nuts), and posho (maize porridge) are common lunches for children. Toasted cheese sandwiches (sandes de queijo), commonly sold at stalls, and chips (fries) are other favorites.

Aside from the widely served coffee and tea, adults may enjoy locally brewed beer made from maize, a Mozambican staple food. The thick and sweet drink is often drunk from a common pot and shared by everyone present on special occasions. Madeira, a Portuguese wine that is popular in Mozambique, was extremely popular in America during the colonial era—it was a favorite of George Washington and was used to toast the Declaration of Independence in 1776.

Children often prefer such beverages as carbonated soft drinks and fresh fruit juices, which are sometimes imported from the country of South Africa.


a. Piri-Piri Sauce


2 teaspoons cayenne pepper
¼ teaspoon salt
Juice of 2 lemons
2 garlic cloves, crushed
6 sprigs parsley, chopped (or 2 Tablespoons
dried parsley)
1 cup butter or oil


1. Combine all the ingredients together in a saucepan and heat on low for 5 minutes before serving.
2. Serve with cooked shrimp. Piri-piri may also accompany chicken, seafood, and most meats.

b. Pãozinho (Portuguese Rolls)


10 cups flour (approximately 5 pounds)
2 packages active dry yeast
¼ cup margarine
1½ teaspoons shortening
1 Tablespoon salt
1 Tablespoon sugar
3½ to 4 cups lukewarm water


1. Dissolve the yeast in ½ cup of the water with ½ teaspoon sugar added. Let stand for 5 minutes, or until bubbly.
2. Place in a large bowl and add enough flour to make a batter.
3. Cover the bowl with a cloth and blanket and let stand until it forms bubbles and looks lumpy.
4. Add the remaining ingredients and mix well, kneading well until smooth, about 10 minutes. Add more flour if dough is too soft.
5. Cover again with cloth and blanket and let stand in a warm place until doubled in size.
6. On a floured board, using about ¹⁄₃ cup dough for each bread roll, shape into round balls and let rest on a cloth dusted with flour.
7. After all rolls are shaped, beginning with rolls that were shaped first, flatten each with palm of hand, making an indent in the middle with the side of your hand, then fold in half.
8. Lay each roll on the cloth with open side down.
9. Let rolls rest for 5 minutes. While rolls are resting, preheat oven to 500°F.
10. Place rolls on baking sheet with open side up and lightly brush with milk.
11. Bake in oven for 10 to 15 minutes.

Makes about 24 rolls.

c. Maize Porridge


4 cups water
2½ cups white cornmeal


1. Bring 3 cups of the water to a boil in a large pot.
2. Combine 1½ cups of the cornmeal with the remaining 1 cup water.
3. Reduce heat to low and add the cornmeal mixture to the boiling water, stirring constantly with a wooden spoon.
4. Cook for about 5 minutes, slowly adding the remaining cup of cornmeal.
5. When the mixture is very thick and starts to pull away from the sides of the pan, transfer to a serving bowl or plate.
6. Use a spoon to shape the mixture into a round ball (you may also use wet hands).
7. This stiff porridge is popular throughout Africa and is typically used to scoop up sauces and food from plates.

Serves 6 to 8.

d. Sandes de Queijo (Baked Cheese Sandwich)


1 Portuguese roll (a soft white dinner roll may be substituted)
2 to 3 slices cheddar cheese
2 slices ham (optional)


1. Preheat oven to 350°F.
2. Slice the roll in half, but do not cut all the way through.
3. Open the roll and place 2 to 3 slices of cheese on top of the bottom half.
4. Add ham slices if desired (ham often accompanies cheese on sandwiches in Mozambique).
5. Close the roll and place on a cookie sheet in the warm oven.
6. Bake until cheese is melted, about 5 minutes.

Serves 1.

In "Junior Worldmark Encyclopedia of Foods and Recipes of the World", Karen L. Hanson editor, UXL (an imprint of the Gale Group) USA, 2002, volume III, excerpts pp.65-68. Digitized, Adapted and illustrated to be posted by Leopoldo Costa.


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