Make the world a better place with your love

I’ve been a K-pop fan since early 2009, and it was completely by coincidence. I was home alone bored and running through the TV channels. I couldn't find anything to watch when I discovered a new channel. Well, it was new to me: a soap opera was on the air. I don’t know why, but I kept watching and I wasn’t bored anymore. After that episode, there was a music show and that’s when I discovered K-pop. I didn’t even know who the group was or what they were saying, but I was entertained. Since then, I've kept watching this channel every day until I learned about the pop groups and learned everything about them. To make a long story short, I became super fan of the pop group Super Junior!

Ever since the time I became a "K-popper," people around me kept asking, "Why K-pop?" or, "Why are you going to that concert? Do you even understand what they’re saying? What benefit have you gotten by being a 'K-popper' for almost 10 years ?"

Every time, my answer makes me happy. I met my lifetime friends because of K-pop and Super Junior, and also I’ve been part of great projects because of them. When you’re a fan of a K-pop group, you celebrate your favorite artist’s birthday, debut and any other occasion because you love them and you want to show your support and love. What's better than doing charity projects to help the community and to show your love to your favorite artist?

Many fans of the pop group Super Junior focus on organizing charity projects annually, under Super Junior's and the fans' names.

The "SJ 10th Year" is a project by Super Junior fans all around the world to build schools in Africa to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the pop group Super Junior. Fans from about 49 countries participated in the project, to give what they love and to help children get a proper education. 

The project was successful and fans all around the world were proud of what they did. Super Junior’s own Leeteuk updated his Instagram profile to thank the fans, and a lot of websites talked about it.

For the 11th anniversary this year, the Super Junior charities decided to fund another school in another village, and it’s currently under constructions with more than 45 participants who are all fans. I can’t be more proud of my fandom than that.

By Menna Allah Muhammad Honorary Reporter
Photos : @SJCharities twitter 

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