K-fans got talent

J. K. Rowling, the author of the Harry Potter books, once said, 'I would like to be remembered as someone who did the best she could with the talent she had.'

Our talent is God's gift to us, but talent without working hard is nothing. So we must support this talent with hard working and a lot of training.

Why do I talk about talent? Because it’s time for the "K-fans Got Talent" contest.

After one year, the Korean Cultural Center in Egypt (KCC Egypt) held the long-awaited contest K-fans Got Talent, session 2. The biggest such contest in the Middle East gathers together all the Egyptian talent associated with Korea: K-pop, singing, playing music and dancing, sand art, sand drawing, stand-up comedy, sewing Hanbok and presenting it, giving a presentation about Korea, taekwondo, acting and other impressive talents.

On Jan. 26, the talented Egyptian people presented their skills in front of a judging panel in the first round and then the judges chose the finalists who would go for the live show.

On the morning of Thursday, March 2, I woke up early to go to the Maadi Library in Maadias, one of the associated organizations for Korea supporters at the KCC Egypt. The preparation ambiance for the huge ceremony was enjoyable. Here on the K-Fans Got Talent stage, a lot of preparations for lighting and sound were going on, and the stage was equipped with the awards and banners of the event, and also for the PyeongChang 2018 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games. After finishing preparations, participants started their final rehearsals for the live show. The ceremony began promptly at 3 p.m. and continued for three hours. The ceremony began with a word from the Korean cultural counselor and then with a taekwondo special performance to start the fantastic show.

The finalists showed off their talents for the last time. The opening performer Nirvana Mohamed sang a song. After Nirvana finished her performance, Bardise Mohamed, a Korea.net honorary reporter, started her amazing show. She presented her dolls that have Hangeul eyes.

After the eight participants completed their performances, Nayera Yehia, No. 9, did an excellent drawing of Lee Joon Gi in "Moon Lovers: Scarlet Heart Ryeo" (달의 연인 - 보보경심 려), a famous Korean soap opera. We didn't expect her to be so good, but after she finished her drawing and scattered glitter on us all, we were really shocked. She was really talented. 

After that, the Pinochio team -- a group of students in the Korean language department at Ain Shams University -- surprised us with a memorable performance. They made a play about the history of Dokdo island. The theatrical scenes revolved around two Korean lawyers and two Japanese lawyers who go to the International Court of Justice. Each team says that Dokdo belongs to their country and the judge listens to the two teams. In the final scene, the judge says that Dokdo is Korean. 

In spite of their awesome talent, the audience and the judges chose Mahmoud Ayman who danced as a professional dancer. He started to dance, and even as he ended, the audience was warmly supporting him. He was talented and trained a lot to reach this level. He also chose a famous and beloved K-pop song for his act.

The performances were strong and varied, and different from last year. This indicates the spread of Korean pop media and arts in Egypt, in the Arab world and across the whole world.

At the end of this wonderful ceremony, and with Korea's ambassador to Egypt in attendance, the prizes were handed out to the top three winners, and thus the curtain falls on Egypt's second yearly K-fans Got Talent contest.

By Salwa Elzeny
Korea.net Honorary reporter
Photos: Salwa Elzeny

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