Amsterdam Food Tour: a new way to discover Dutch culture

What to visit in Amsterdam? What to eat in Amsterdam? What is the typical food in Holland?

Discover Dutch culture by Appetit Voyage
Amsterdam's canals in the Jordaan district

These are some of the questions I get from all my guests who comes to visit Amsterdam. It is always weird to answer what to eat,... Dutch cuisine is not as complex or refined as Italian, French or Japanese (please DO NOT think about all-you-can-eat sushis, there are not Japanese food)... Though, even after years, I find difficult to advise my guests. 

But now, I finally found how to fulfill the expectations of the foodie travelers: there is a new tour available and this one, you cannot miss it!

Discover Dutch culture by Appetit VoyageWelcome to Eat in Amsterdam Tour, a new way to discover the city and the culture from the Netherlands.

Since some months, there is a new tour in town. I live near Amsterdam (Haarlem) for 4 years and dedicated a lot of time searching and discovering the typical food from Holland and the Dutch habits. So when I saw the tour, I just jumped and was really curious to see if I would learn something new,...

I am going to be honest, I had my doubts! Well, for the ones who already read my restaurants reviews, you already know that I am tough on service and quality and I was afraid to not get some much good tips from the tour,... and I was wrong!!!!

Discover Dutch culture by Appetit Voyage
Appel taart
The meeting point was in front of one of the most famous old brown café in the Jordaan district of Amsterdam. I was happy to start in one of the oldest district in Amsterdam, where the only fact to walk among the canals is already a pleasure for the eyes. The tour is focused on this neighborhood, one of the most exciting and romantic of the city.

A joyful Annamaria welcomed a small group of foodies, expats and Amsterdammers curious to discover the new tour in town! And what a tour! The group was great people, all connected with food and food lovers!
Discover Dutch culture by Appetit Voyage
Liquorice treasure shop
Our guide was just full of energy and enthusiasm, well prepared, smiling and attending each of us!

She really brought a new perspective to Dutch food, and a beautiful new view of the Jordaan and Amsterdam.

We started with all kind of typical and different kind of places but also delicious food! It really made me connect to the Dutch gastronomy. We stopped along 8 shops and tried 12 different food along the way. I can tell you that portions are generous, and I was feeling pretty full and happy at the end!

Discover Dutch culture by Appetit Voyage
Annamaria and the haring
I will not unveil all the treasures of the tour, I think you will love the surprise, but I want tell a little more about my greatest challenge during the tour: the herring! Let's start the call it first by its Dutch name: HARING. For more than 600 years, Dutch eat this small blue fish fished from mid May till mid July, salted and ripen several days, before to be bitten! I tried to eat it several time, always found it disgusting,...

But, this time it had been different! Annamaria brought us in a small and very high quality fish shop and it was absolutely delicious! This was a hit for me and true discovery! This is the kind of experience that make you understand better the people living here. I really thank Eating Amsterdam for this wonderful stop!

Discover Dutch culture by Appetit Voyage
Boat Tour
Another great part of the tour is also a 2h boat tour in the canals of Amsterdam. And when it comes to food, you definitely also need to understand the history of the place. Our charming captain explained all the details of the architecture along the canals while you are sipping a Amsterdam brewed beer and enjoying a true borrelhapje (Dutch aperitive)!

You finish the tour with a sweet tooth and a coffee where you can also share your impressions about the tour.

I definitely recommend this tour versus any others as it really mix all the most important parts from discovering a place: history, architecture, culture, traditional food shops, passionate people, and of course gastronomy in live! The canal tour is a must!

Discover Dutch culture by Appetit Voyage
Yummy poffertjes!
And if after all this beautiful food and drinks, you would like to know about Dutch cuisine, check my reviews of some of these real good Dutch restaurants in Amsterdam:
- Café Reiger
- De Moeders
- 't Zwaantje
- Haesje Claes

- De Vijff Vlieghens

I hope you will enjoy Amsterdam and Holland at his best with all these tips!
a ppetit voyage is much more than reviews and recipes!

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