Tofu and Wakame Miso Soup


  • 2-3 stems of Dried Wakame Seaweed 
  • 50g of Tofu
  • 1 Spring Onion
  • 400cc of Dashi (Japanese fish stock)
  • 3 tablespoons of miso (white and brown together)


1. Soak wakame in warm water for 1-2 minutes till they get soft.

2. Cut wakame into 1.5cm length. Dice tofu and slice spring onion thinly.

3. Pour Dashi in a pan and dissolve miso over a net.

4. Heat up the pan to warm miso soup and add tofu and wakame. Avoid boiling the soup to feature the fresh flavour of dashi and miso.

5. Serve miso soup in a wooden bowl with the spring onion.

Time to prepare: 7 minutes
Cost: 0.5 pounds

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