Tablea Tsokolate ( Cacao Chocolate)

Tablea Tsokolate ( Cacao Chocolate)

4 pcs Cacao Tablets (Tablea), dissolved in 1/2 cup warm water
1 cup Water
Condensed Milk

Dissolve cacao tablets in half cup of warm water until the mixture is no longer grainy.

In a pot or saucepan with 1 cup of water, pour-in the cacao mixture; Bring to a boil.

Once it starts boiling, twirl a wire whisk or swirl a batirol with the palms of your hand into the mixture. (This will ensure smooth consistency of the tablea tsokolate.)
Lower the flame as it starts to foam.

Continue mixing for 15-20 minutes; Depending if you like the consistency to be medium thick, or thick.

Once ready, pour into cups.
Mix with condensed milk as desired. You can also use evaporated milk with sugar.
Serve and Enjoy!!

It is best served with Suman.
As a variation. mix half of the hot chocolate drink with 1/2 cup of brewed coffee.
You can also garnish this drink with cinnamon sticks,  melted caramel, mini white marshmallows, grated orange zest, or whipped cream.

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