Orange Peel Powder

Orange Peel Powder
How to make Orang Peel Powder?

You will need:
Orange Peels
Blender or Food Processor
Airtight Glass Container

Here are the steps:
To make powdered orange peel, simply save up orange peels from the oranges you eat,  preferably organic.

Remove the white fribrous parts on the inside of the peel, and wash them in clean, warm distilled water.

Spread the orange peels on a tray and place them in an area that receives plenty of sunshine.

Leave them there until they are thoroughly dried (usually takes 1~2 days, but can take up to 5 days in cold, cloudy weather). *If you are drying them outdoors, cover them with a thin cloth or net for protection against dirt and insects.
In a blender or food processor, add-in your sun-dried orange peels, and blend them into a fine powder. Do not add any water!

Store your orange peel powder in an airtight glass container.


Benefits of Orange Peels Powder

Use for Skin Fairness
Mix orange peels powder in yogurt and apply on face and gently scrub. Wash face after 15 minutes. It helps to reduce oil from skin and fair the color of skin.

If you have black spots or blemishes on your face, use the above paste on face to clear your skin. Orange peels skin has naturally bleach properties.

Oily Skin
If you have oily skin with open pores and facing acne and spots problem then tackle all these issues with orange peels powder. Mix powder in egg white along a few drops of lemon juice then apply on face for 15 minutes and rinse off with normal water. Apply once a week. After regular use you will observe a change on your skin issues.

For Removing Acne
Dirt on face block pores which leads to acne. Use orange peels powder to get rid of acne as it has the best result because it cleans the skin from depth. Mix orange peels powder in water to make a smooth paste. Apply it on face and leave for 15 minutes then wash the face. It does not only reduce oil from face but also remove acne after further application.

Black Heads and White Heads
An excellent solution to remove blackheads out of your skin is applying an orange peel mask. For making a simple mask, mix one part yogurt in two parts orange peels powder and make a thick paste. Apply paste on face by moving fingers in circular motions then wash face after 15 minutes. This not simply offers a natural and non-painful method of removing of black heads but additionally unblocks excess oils and dirt clogged within skin pores.

For Face Freshness
Make a smooth paste by mixing orange peels powder and milk. Application this face mask on face for 20 minutes. Gently remove it with lukewarm water. You will feel your skin fresh after use.

Teeth Whitening
Orange peels powder is a cheapest way to remove yellowish stains from teeth and make them white. Make a paste and rub it on teeth regularly. It will make the teeth white without using any chemical product.

Anti Aging
Adopt the right anti aging skin care tip to stay young and fresh. Mix together orange peels powder and turmeric in water, use it on face to stop aging marks. It helps to clean the skin from blemishes as well.

Swelling on Body
If insect bites on body or body swell, use orange skin to get relief from pain and swelling.

Fatigue Fighting
After doing lots of work people feel fatigue in body. For getting relief from fatigue add some orange skin strips in bathing water and take bath with that aromatic water. Soothing fragrance of orange will calm you.

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