Pear, chocolate and almond clafoutis

Appetit Voyage
Pear, Chocolate and Almond Clafoutis
This recipe came out because I teased during weeks at one of my Georgian colleague in order her mother who came for visit some weeks could cook something typically Georgian for us in order we can try the taste of Georgian food!
I was so insisting that he finally arranged a lunch at our office. He brought an amazing chicken dish served with rice. The rich sauce was complex, and delicious with walnuts and plenty of sweet spices. 

Obviously, for me, it was important I could thank her mother for the cooking and efforts and I came with this recipe quick and easy, but also delicious!


My colleague, Giorgi loves pears and chocolate, so the theme was done! Here it what came next from it!

Ingredients for 4 persons:
- 6 small pears (in Holland they have special varieties for cooking stoofperen)
- 2 eggs
- 2 tbsp of maple syrup
- 1/4 Liter of half-skimmed milk
- 40 gr of almond powder + 2 tbsp.
- 50 gr. of dark chocolate
- 2 tsp. of baking powder

1/ Peel the pears and cut in 4. Clean the seeds.

2/ In a baking tray or mold, spread some oil or butter inside. Place the pears. Add the 2 tbsp. of almond and mix slightly in order the almonds stick to the pears.

3/ In a bowl, whisk the eggs, the maple syrup and the rest of the almond powder as well as the baking powder. Add the milk and mix well.

4/ Cut the chocolate in small pieces or use chocolate chips. Add half of them to the pears.

5/ Cover with the egg and milk mixture and sprinkle the rest of the chocolates chips on top.

6/ Place in the oven at 180ºC for 35 min.
The clafoutis is ready when a knife comes out clean pinching the cake.
Let it cool.

The mix of pear, chocolate and almond is just wonderful! I trick the clafoutis original recipe already published in this blog, in order that it could coeliac friendly (gluten free), sugar free, but still delicious! 

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