Fika in Stockholm
Fika is a Swedish word. Actually, it is much more than a word; it is a real institution: the art to have a coffee or tea with a pastry. You will find plenty of documentation about it on the Internet, so I will not tell more about it.
This post is more a testimony, a small window of my trip to Stockholm in May.

Sweden blew my mind. My visit to the Nordics brought me to a brand new perspective of Europe, our cultural roots, history, and gastronomy. I found in its landscape answers to the behavior and food of Swedish and Norwegian.
I do not want to mix up both countries, even if there is a lot of similarities, but Sweden and Norway, really gave me a better idea of Europe.
It had been a very inspirational journey, and you will discover more recipes and posts about it, but the fika is the perfect start for this journey.
So, let´s start and have a fika.
This post is like a fika, a break, a pause in this crazy world where we live. It is also the sweet memory of sharing a simple coffee and pastry with some of my best friends Juan Pablo y Elena while we were catching up with our lives and projects.
It is a kind of porn food presentation with all these amazing cinnamon buns and pastries.
I do not want to mix up both countries, even if there is a lot of similarities, but Sweden and Norway, really gave me a better idea of Europe.
It had been a very inspirational journey, and you will discover more recipes and posts about it, but the fika is the perfect start for this journey.
This post is like a fika, a break, a pause in this crazy world where we live. It is also the sweet memory of sharing a simple coffee and pastry with some of my best friends Juan Pablo y Elena while we were catching up with our lives and projects.
It is a kind of porn food presentation with all these amazing cinnamon buns and pastries.
When I was tired of the cinnamon, I was trying the Sarah Bernhardt cookies, a large macaron with a chocolate ganache filling,... absolutely amazing. One of my favorite pastry when I was a kid, was tiny pie filled with almond and chocolate ganache...I love the mix of the bitterness of the almond with the cream and deep chocolate taste. This is probably one of my oldest flavor memory. When I bit in the Sarah Bernhardt, this memory came back straight into my mind. Priceless!
Dear friends, do not forget to stop from time to time, and share a simple coffee or tea with your beloved one with a sweet! Enjoy!
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