Stephi's baba au rhum

Appetit Voyage
Stephi's baba au rhum
This old European recipe coming from a mix of Polish and French culture, is just so flavorful, that I wanted to have my own version, more balanced and healthier than the original recipe. 
We still have the exotic taste, and the wonderful texture of the well known baba au rhum!
For the baba:
- 150 grs of wheat flour


- 4 tbps. of honey
- 1 lemon peel
- 130 cl of milk
- 1 packet of baking powder
- 2 eggs
- 50 grs of butter

For the syrup:
- 1 lemon juice
- 2 honey tbps.
- 2 tbps. of rhum

Decoration: Mix of fresh fruits and some whipped cream for the sweetest of you!

Turn on the oven at 180ºC.

1/ Melt the butter and mix with the honey. Mix the milk and the eggs and add the butter-honey mixture.

2/ Add the baking powder and flour and mix well. Finally put the lemon peel.

3/ Pour in a baking mold and put it for 35 min in the oven.

4/ In the meanwhile, prepare the syrup, getting together the lemon juice, rhum and honey in a pan and cook for 2 minutes at medium heat till the honey gets liquid. Let it cool.

5/ Cut the fruits in  pieces.

6/ When the baba is cooked take it out of the oven, put the cake on a plate and pour slowly the syrup on top. Let it cool.

7/ Just before service place the fruits and whipped cream and serve!

The good thing from this cake, is that you can have it prepared a couple of days in advance, and only add the syrup at the last moment. It will even be better and the cake will soak much more the syrup! If you are not fond of alcohol, you do not need to put any and just make a larger quantity of syrup. You can also try with other kind of alcohol like Pedro Ximenez sherry wine, Malaga wine, or any liquor you like!
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