Easter ideas: quick and easy recipes!

Easter is always a very nice occasion to celebrate spring, new vegetables, fresh flavors and share it with family and friends!
I retrieved some delicious recipes from the blog to give you ideas for the Easter menu!

As you may know, I often feel like a big kid and do not forget the good time spent during Easter, looking for the chocolate eggs in the garden! I suppose you will prefer to be with your kids playing in the garden than sweating to make a great but complicated menu!

All these recipes are easy and quick! Some of them are even more everyday recipe than special ones! But you can turn an easy recipe, with common ingredients into a special dish for Easter with a little bit of inspiration!

My best menu for Easter would be:

For appetizer, I would love a small refreshing verrine of beet, wasabi and smoked eel. The fresh taste and the nice colors will be amusing and will let the people to get into the spring mood!
You can also imagine a carrot salad dressed in the plate as a nest where a couple of hard boiled quails eggs will be laying,... this is a nice interpretation of Easter!

Then, I would choose traditional dishes, like an asparagus salad with mimosa eggs! Then, a spring lamb navarin with fresh veggies,... absolutely delicious!

As dessert, I will propose a vacherin! A ice cream cake you can easily make yourself and in advance!

More ideas to pick up:


- verrines: the secret is to put your usual starter into a small glass! You will impress you guests!
- tabouleh: this is a fresh salad to be served with plenty of fresh herbs to stick to the spring mindset! Add some quails' eggs for an Easter touch!
- Misa's wontons: just nice to eat with your fingers,...
- Easter aspics: another great opportunity to play with spring ingredients and reference to Easter: fresh herbs, carrot, egg!
- Fried goat chicken: a fresh lettuce salad bed for an easy and elegant starter!

Main dish:

- Grilled fish: a light option also cooked with a lot of herbs, and with an Asian touch for a something different and surprising instead of the traditional lamb leg!
- Veal blanquette: cooked and served with spring potatoes, carrots and onions, it could just be delicious! A family dish that take some time to cook, but can be done in advance and heat just before serving!
- Express pork stew: I love pork loin when it is cooked for hours and just melt in your mouth! Serve some sauteed potatoes and enjoy!


- Cheese cake with apples or chocolate: a fresh dessert to finish the meal, with different flavors,... choose your favorite!
- Yogurt custard tart: a personal recipe, that all my friends love! Surprise your guests with a new dessert this year!
- Panna cotta: a classic dessert, but so creamy! we can´t resist it!
- Green tea jelly: a great option to stick in the spring mindset,... decorate the top of the jellies with fresh strawberries and whipped cream,... presented in small glasses, the colors and texture mix will be just impressive!
- Pear Tart: a traditional French tart!

Do not forget to decorate your table with fresh pastel colors: green and yellow,... put some fresh flowers: tulips, narcissus, hyacinths,... they are blooming now!
And of course, Easter, would not be Easter without chocolate eggs!!!!

I wish you to spend a fantastic Easter weekend and to enjoy the renewal of a the nature!

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