Spinach with Sesame Dressing
Hello! I am happy to see you again. I will update this blog once a week.
The spinach salad is very popular in Japan.The most traditional salad is boiled spinach salad with soy sauce.We call it "Ohitashi".
It is also famous boiled spinach salad tossed with sesame dressing.We call it "Gomaae".These salads are a traditional Japanese home cooking.
Today I will show you how to make Gomaae.
ingredients for 1 person
About 3 ounces spinach(100g)
1tbsp white sesame seed(toasted*)
1tsp soy sause
1tsp maple syrup(or sugar)
*Raw sesame seeds are should be toasted before using.Toast in a dry frying pan until the sesame seeds start to pop.
Put spinach in the water 5minutes.If you do this,The spinach regain freshness.
Crushed sesame seeds in a mortar.Add the soy sauce and maple syrup.
Bring a pan of water to the boil,put in the spinach and cook for 20 seconds.You should not be cooked too!
Remove in ice water to stop further cooking and to retain a deep green color.
Squeeze out the water ant cut int 3cm length.And squeeze aut the water once again.
Put the spinach in the bowl with the dressing and mix well.
Please try.Japanese people love this salad.You will surely love this salad!
This blog is updated once a week, in the right side, I will briefly introduce my Japanese blog recipe.Please come and enjoy! See you next week!
I am also sending information on face book.
The Japanese Vegetarian Kitchen

The spinach salad is very popular in Japan.The most traditional salad is boiled spinach salad with soy sauce.We call it "Ohitashi".
Today I will show you how to make Gomaae.
ingredients for 1 person
About 3 ounces spinach(100g)
1tbsp white sesame seed(toasted*)
1tsp maple syrup(or sugar)
*Raw sesame seeds are should be toasted before using.Toast in a dry frying pan until the sesame seeds start to pop.
Put spinach in the water 5minutes.If you do this,The spinach regain freshness.
Crushed sesame seeds in a mortar.Add the soy sauce and maple syrup.
Bring a pan of water to the boil,put in the spinach and cook for 20 seconds.You should not be cooked too!
Remove in ice water to stop further cooking and to retain a deep green color.
Squeeze out the water ant cut int 3cm length.And squeeze aut the water once again.
Put the spinach in the bowl with the dressing and mix well.
Please try.Japanese people love this salad.You will surely love this salad!
This blog is updated once a week, in the right side, I will briefly introduce my Japanese blog recipe.Please come and enjoy! See you next week!
I am also sending information on face book.
The Japanese Vegetarian Kitchen
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