Day 1 of Tomato
Tomatoes are typically not recommended to be introduced to an infant until somewhere between the 10th and the 12th month of age. The reason for this is not due to possible allergies per se, rather the acidity of tomatoes may prove harsh on a more immature tummy.
Tomatoes are actually fruits and they contain a high level of acidity that may prove harsh on a tiny tummy. With that being said, there are many babies who have eaten tomatoes prior to the recommended age and have had no issues. Many parents offer babies tomatoes as early as 8 months old.Should you decide to offer tomatoes, please use fresh only! If you notice a rash around the lips/mouth and the bottom, this could be indicative of baby having a reaction to the acidity of the tomatoes. Please keep a look out for such occurrences.
I sauteed the tomatoes together with the garlic in butter, then I add the rest of the ingredients and the rice and add water and leave it to boil and cook.
Schedule for Today:
Morning (8 am to 9 am): Breastmilk
Noon (11 am to 12pm): Lunch, continue with breastmilk as and when needed
Early Afternoon (2pm to 3pm): Some fruit puree/snack & breastmilk as and when needed
Late Afternoon (5pm to 6pm): Dinner & breastmilk as and when needed
Allergy Reaction:
No allergy was observed
Texture of Food:
Same as previous
Amount of Food:
1 tablespoon of chopped potatoes + 1 tablespoon of chopped broccoli + 1 teaspoon of butter + 1 baby carrot + 1/2 teaspoon of chopped garlics + 1 tablespoon of chopped mushroom + 1 tablespoon of toufu + 2 tablespoons of rice (brown + white) + water or vegetable stock + 1 tablespoon of chopped tomatoes
Baby reaction:
He seems alright with his tomato rice.
12 months
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