Simple Peas

Have you ever noticed that 90% of baby foods are all in the orange color range?

Sometimes they are orange or yellow or beige or brown
but there really isn't that much green (or grayish/brownish green in stores).

Did you know that when you eat to much orange food your skin (think nose, palms, soles of feet) can take on an orange tinge?

It's not really a big deal but it does help to offer your baby a rainbow of colors when it comes to food.

Picnik collage

Peas were one of those recipes that sounded super easy but I was a little confused about.

I read a bunch of recipes that just said to cook 'em and blend 'em but
as a first food I was a little concerned about the skins being a choking hazard.

I ended up straining it, which yields a lot less but makes me feel good about introducing peas early on.

I think peas were the third food we gave Peanut and to this day are one of his favorite.


Simple Peas

2 cups frozen (or fresh) peas

Place your frozen peas in the steamer basket while you get your water going.
Bring about 1 inch of water to boil.
Meanwhile, rinse your peas with cool water to help rid of any ice.
Steam your peas until bright green and easily mashed, about 5-7 minutes.
When you remove your steamed peas, reserve the cooking liquid and
run the peas under cold water to stop the cooking.
Puree the peas with enough cooking liquid to make a nice smooth puree.

At this point you could serve this to a baby.

If you are introducing this as a very first food I suggest placing the mixture in a fine mesh sieve
and pressing it thru with a spoon or spatula.
What you press thru will be perfect for a baby just learning to eat solids.


-mix with pear or apple or puree with pear, apple or white grape juice
-add some rice or other grain
-fantastic with sweet potato

Refrigerate for up to 3 days or freeze for up to 3 months

Bright green means they have retained the healthy chlorophyll and other nutrients haven't been destroyed during the cooking process. 
Peas are a great source of fiber, vitamin A and protein.
Oh and vitamin K which will help your baby absorb the calcium in his/her diet.

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