Chocolate Fondant gluten free and sugar free

Chocolate fondant gluten free and sugar free by Appetit Voyage
Chocolate Fondant gluten and sugar free!
Sometimes, you just feel like you want a chocolate fondant, right now! This is the recipe for this! Gluten free and sugar free, you may make sure you have the ingredients in your cabinets though....

How to make a dates syrup? You just need to blend very well pitted dates with some warm water, you can add slowly till you get the right texture. I do not follow any recipe or measures,... it is just how I feel and see it... sorry,...

So let's cook some chocolate fondant!!!


Ingredients for 8 persons:
- 260 gr. of date syrup
- 50 gr. cocoa powder
- 200 ml almond cream (you can use coconut cream as well)
- 2 tbsp. almond flour
- 5 eggs

Turn on the oven at 180C.

1/ Mix the syrup with the cocoa powder.

2/ Separate the yolks and white, and whisk them till stiff with a pinch of soda powder.

3/In a bowl, mix together, the yolks with the cocoa-dates syrup. Add the almond cream and mix well together.

4/ Add the almond flour to the mixture and finally, lightly add the stiff whites. They are quite delicate, so do it slowly like enveloping the white foam into the chocolate mixture. Don't worry if you have whites spots remaining at the end.

5/ Pour the chocolate fondant in a mold wrapped in cooking paper. Put it in the oven between 15 and 25 minutes at 180C. The more flat is the mold, the quicker it will cook.

6/ Check if the fondant is cooked by pinching with a knife. If the blade comes out clean, it is ready.

7/ Let it cool down, and reserve for the next day to fully enjoy all the flavors!!!... but if you cannot wait, just eat it!

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