Stephi's spareribs with an Asian twist

Stephi's Spareribs with an Asian twist by Appetit Voyage
Stephi's spareribs
Following the same line as the Socrates quote: I know that I know nothing, my thought lately in the kitchen is: the more I cook and learn about food and cooking, the less I know. I spend lot of my free time cooking, and even like this, I have so much to discover!!!!

Let' s take the spareribs! I became addicted to them here in Holland. I always thought it would long and complicated to make beautiful, tasty and crispy spareribs, so I never took the time to try. Till last week when they came in my Beebox. I remember to see once a delicious recipe from Jamie Oliver, so, I started to dig and adapt a recipe going more to Asia,... you start to know me,... I am always going to Asia! In China, I remembered to try delicious pork meat cooked so differently! I think I am still trying to find back these amazing taste from the East!

But let's go to the core of the secret: the marinade!

Ingredients for 4 persons:
1.4 kg. Of pork spareribs
2 garlic cloves
1 piece of ginger
150 ml of apple juice
1 tbsp of ketchup
2 tbsp of honey
2 tbsp of soy sauce
1 tbsp of Dijon Mustard
1 tsp of tamarind paste
2 tbsp of Worcester sauce

1/Peel the garlic cloves and ginger. Open the chili and take away the seeds. Slice all of them roughly.  

2/ Get together the garlic, chili and ginger with the apple juice in a blender and mix till smooth.

3/ In bowl, pour the apple mixture and add the rest of the ingredients. Mix properly.

4/ Place the ribs in a freezer plastic bag and add the marinade. Close the bag and let at room temperature (if not over 20ºC) for for 4h. at least. Turn the bag from time to time and rub the ribs to make sure the marinade gets into the meat.

Stephi's Spareribs with an Asian twist by Appetit Voyage
Spareribs with rhubarb
5/ Roast in the oven at 210ºC for 1h covered with some aluminum foil. Glaze the spareribs several time along the cooking. The last 15 minutes, it goes to the grill and I added an extra glaze of honey, like 2 tbsp.

6/ Let it 5 minutes before serving. Serve with roasted potatoes and shallots and some rhubarb compote.

The ribs should be covered by a beautiful crispy crust, and the meat is just fall down from the bones. The flavor is deep and complex, a little bit spicy but also really balanced! I could not stop to eat it! So delicious, and easy to prepare,... you just need a little bit of time in advance. 

Roasted potatoes with Thyme by Appetit Voyage
Roasted Potatoes
Do you have a special marinade recipe to share with us and give us more ideas for the next spareribs? Please feel free to leave it below in the comment box!

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