Healthy Chestnut cream

Appetit Voyage
Chestnut Cream
The past weeks, I totally went obsessed with the idea to create a healthy chestnut cream
First of all, for the ones who never heard about it, in the Ardèche region, traditionally well-known for the chestnuts, an international company made up its reputation thanks to  Crème de marrons Faugier. This sweet, thick and shiny spread is like a concentrated of marron glacé. It is of course quite rich but really delicious!

Now, I have to confess I became a chestnut cream lover quite late, but also quite fanatic! The good news was that you can find this delicacy in lots of special shops in Europe. I was quite happy till this past year. My new commitment in a healthy living was not really fitting with a sugar based spread!!!!


So I spent December trying to think how I could give this traditional recipe a twist! And there it is!


Appetit Voyage
Yogurt with chestnut cream and blueberries
- 400 grs of cooked chestnuts
- 300 gr of honey
- 2 glasses of water
- 1 vanilla pod

1/ Cook the chestnuts with the water at medium heat. Mash the chestnut in purée, reserve.

2/ Add the honey and blend properly till you get smooth shiny chestnut cream!

3/ If the cream is to liquid, cook it again 5 to 10 minutes till the cream stays sticked to the spoon.

4/ Pour in a clean jar and close. You can keep it for several weeks or freeze it.

The texture is smooth, the taste is refined and delicate! I prefer my version, less sweet than the industrial one. The chestnut cream is the gourmet spread for your toast, cakes, yogurts, and all kind of desserts. Try it, you will be surprised!

And if you need some inspiration, check some recipes on my blog:
Mont Blanc trifle
Chocolate and meringue cake

a ppetit voyage is much more than reviews and recipes!

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