Crack crackers called knackebrod

Appetit Voyage
The crack of crackers by Stephi and Cecilia
Well,... I wanted to test a little bit more this recipe before its release on the blog. But, I received some pressure yesterday afternoon when I gave the D vitamin cooking workshop, to share it asap!

Cecilia Götherstrom, my nutritionist partner, is Swedish and gave me this recipe from her sister, to serve with some gravlax salmon

In Sweden, the gravlax salmon is usually served with this knäckebrod during the Christmas season. It is also one of the few food where to find D vitamin that will compensate the lack of sun and help you to fight back the Depression and Darkness as one of our student said yesterday during the D cooking workshop!

Appetit Voyage
Knäckebröd by Appetit Voyage
What is knäckebröd
Behind this complicated name that took me weeks to learn to pronounce, it is the traditional and origin of your Wasa crackers. I would even dare to say that it is the origin of all the crackers as Vikings already baked it. It is a flat, crispy bread than can last for weeks (handy when you sail during weeks) and can include all kind of flours and seeds.

What is amazing is how delicious and easy it is to make. i am not sure I will be able to check its long lasting conservation,... when you start to try it, you can not stop!

So by popular demand, here it is my own version of the crack of crackers: knäckebröd!

Ingredients for approx. 20 crackers:
- 70 gr. of corn flour
- 60 gr. of sunflower seeds
- 60 gr. of pumpkin seeds
- 30 grs of sesame seeds
- 30 gr. of chia seeds
- 4 tbsp. of rape seeds oil
- 125 ml of boiling water
- 1 tsp of salt
- Japanese nori and sesame mix

Turn on the oven at 150ºC.

1/ Get together the flour, salt and seeds. Mix.

2/ Add the rape seed oil and mix well.

3/ Add the boiling water and mix well the dough.

4/ Spread the dough on the oven paper in a baking tray. Sprinkle the Japanese mix on top- Put in the oven for 30 to 45 minutes.

5/ When the tray is golden and crunchy, take it off, and slice right away the crackers. Let it cool and and keep in an air-tight box to keep it crunchy.

Appetit Voyage
The perfect cracker for gravlax salmon
It is just so delicious with some gravlax salmon or any spread/dip.

a ppetit voyage is much more than reviews and recipes!

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