Delicious Nutty Pear Gratin

Delicious Nutty Pear Gratin
Ingredients for 4 persons:
- 4 pears
- 4 tbsp. of maple syrup
- 2 tbsp. of pistachios
- 1 tbsp. of walnuts
- 1 tbsp. of pecan nuts

Turn on the oven at 140ºC.

1/ Peel the pears. Open them in the middle, take off the central part withe the seeds. Slice them in thin slices.

2/ On a baking tray, spread a little bit of coconut oil. Place the slices of pears. pour the maple syrup on top. With a brush, make sure the syrup cover every piece of pear.

3/ Crush thinly in a blender all the nuts. Sprinkle them on top of the pears.


4/ Place in the oven for 20 minutes. Then put the oven on grill for 10 more minutes till its caramelized.

5/ Take off the tray from the oven. Let it cool down a bit. Serve lukewarm with a vanilla ice cream or custard.

It is just amazing, the taste and crunch of the nuts, the sweet and smooth of the pear and syrup,... it is just like heaven!!!!

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