Asari gohan, aamondo-iri / steamed rice with clams and toasted almonds

Steamed rice infused with the flavor of clams. Toasted almond slices give a nice contrast in texture and extra aroma.


1 180 cc* cup rice
Small handful (80 g) canned clams with clam juice
1 tbsp sake
1/2 tbsp soy sauce
2-3 tbsp sliced almonds
Approx. 180 cc water (not in photo)
*1 rice cooker cup


Wash rice, drain, and set aside for 30-60 minutes.


When ready to cook, add sake, soy sauce and clam juice to rice.

Add water to 1-cup mark.

Add clams, mix, and cook.


Meanwhile, toast almond slices without oil in a frying pan until slightly golden.


When rice is ready, wait 10 minutes, gently turn, add almonds, and mix.

Ready to serve.

  • To cook rice in a pot, measure all liquid ingredients and add to rice. The total amount of liquid should be approximately 10% more than rice in volume. For example, you need roughly 200 cc liquid (water and seasonings together) for 180 cc rice, 220 cc for 200 cc rice, etc. Adjust the liquid measurement according to how soft you like finished steamed rice and rice’s moisture content (new-crop rice has more moisture).

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