word explosion?

everyone keeps telling me about the "word explosion" that hit toddlers around 18-20 mos. i excitedly waited for his 18-mo bday thinking that he'll suddenly start talking. nope. 19 months...his word count has definitely increased but i wouldn't call it an explosion. then a few days ago, on may 17 to be exact, it's like something clicked in cam's head overnight. all of a sudden he was repeating all kinds of words we've been trying to get him to say for months. just in the last few days he started saying the following:

love you
thank you
one, two, three
delicious (something close to it at least!)

but is it the explosion i've been anxiously awaiting? only time will tell but it's a word burst for sure! you don't know how excited brian and i get when cam repeats something we say. his "please" and "thank you" is quite clear and my favorite is of course when he says, "love you." :)

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