is anyone still out there?

I'd be shocked if anyone still follows this blog considering I haven't posted anything in 2 months. But if you're still here, waiting for a post...sorry for the delay and there is much to share about my Camden!
  • He turned one and something clicked in his brain that says, "If I cry or whine, I can sometimes get what I want." This kid, I tell you. Ever since his birthday he has turned into such the whiner!! He cries if I take something he wants away. He cries if I tell him no. Sometimes it seems like he cries cause his drool is too wet. Now I know where they get the term "cry baby." Sheesh!

    Clearly, I am not a fan of the whining. So, I've been trying more and more to tell him to stop when it's excessive. Like, if you fall down and hit your head, sure, cry all you want. You REALLY want milk and I'm not listening to you, please go ahead and cry. But if I turn off Elmo on tv cause you've already watched enough for one day, sorry kid, get over it.
  • Cam's walking! At his bday party he walked if someone was holding his hand. Now, he pretty much walks on his own! A little unsteady at times, but he's getting stronger every day. But now I have to chase him around the house. When he starts running, I'm in BIG trouble.

  • He switched to whole milk from formula. At first he didn't like the taste so I had to mix half formula, half milk for a day. Then I did 25/75 and now he's on 100% whole milk and seems to love it. I even give it to him cold and he doesn't mind. Now, I need to figure out the whole sippy cup thing. Sigh. If it isn't one thing, it's another.

  • He LOVES Elmo and Mickey Mouse. And can even point them out! The other day he was at Grammy's house and she has a MM magnet on the fridge amongst probably 30 other magnets. Brian asked him, where's Mickey? He pointed at him immediately! He's a Disney lover just like his mommy.

  • He's now on just one nap a day. This started a week before his birthday party. He started fighting his morning nap. Crying or just talking to himself in his crib for an hour if I left him there. And if he did sleep, it would only be fore 40 minutes. So, I consolidated his naps into one afternoon nap. Now, he sleeps 2-3 hours in the afternoon. I still wonder if I did the right thing doing this though. It is a bit early for him to only have one nap and he does seem fussier these days. But I don't know if that's because he's just older and his opinions are more apparent, or because he's crankier cause he's tired. Whatever it is, I figure there's no going back now. One nap it is.

  • He eats pretty much all table food now. I try to make him as much organic meals as possible but it's tough. Most days he just eats what's around -- chicken parm (with organic chix tho!), kalua pork and cabbage, pork tofu, Shiro's saimin noodles (he LOVED that). I try to make sure he gets fruits/veggies to supplement the "real food" but he's pickier about what he wants these days so it's challenging. But at least I don't have to puree his food and freeze them in cubes anymore!
He's growing up so fast! Pretty soon he'll be talking up a storm. Hopefully his first words aren't, "Mommy, you bug me."

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