Pan-Fried Fish with Mashed Potatoes

Pan fried Fish:
(1) Half of dory fish fillet
(2) 1/2 tablespoon of Italian spices
(3) Lemon juice (from half of a lemon)
(4) 1/2 teaspoon of pepper
(5) 1 tablespoon of butter for frying

Mashed Potatoes:
(1) Half of medium size potatoes
(2) 1 teaspoon of butter
(3) Sprinkle of pepper
(4) 2 tablespoon of cheddar cheese
(5) 1 tablespoon of fresh milk (add more if the mashed potatoes is too thick)

Pan-Fried Fish
(1) Place the fillet in a bowl.
(2) Add in pepper, Italian spices and lemon juice and mix well to marinate for about 10 minutes.
(3) Heat up the butter in a frying pan.
(4) Once hot, put in the fillet and pan fry till cooked. Occasionally flip the fillet so that it is evenly cooked.

Mashed Potatoes
(1) Boiled/Steamed the potatoes till tender.
(2) Once tender, place in a bowl, add cheddar cheese and butter and mash together with the potatoes.
(3) Add in the fresh milk and pepper.

My boy's reaction:
He loves the food.

His age:
19 months

Here how the food looks like:

This recipe is suitable for lunch or dinner.

For more colourful mashed potatoes, you can also boiled the carrot together with the potaotes and mashed them together.

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