Poached Cod in a Tomato, Pepper and Onion Stew

Poached Cod in a Tomato, Pepper and Onion Stew 

The inspiration from this dish came from the beautiful large vine tomatoes I brought from Lidl this week, I wanted to do something simple, tasty and fresh with them so came up with this Mediterranean Indian fusion dish that tasted delicious. 

Makes a great summer dinner idea for the whole family, I just took Bubs piece of fish out before I garnished it with chillies. 

Serves 2 - 4


2 tbsp Olive Oil
1 tsp Cumin Seeds
1 tsp Carom Seeds
2 Onions finely sliced
3 Garlic cloves finely chopped
1 Red Romano Pepper finely chopped
5 Large Tomatoes finely chopped
Salt and Pepper
1/2 tsp Turmeric
1 tsp Ground Coriander Powder
1/2 tsp Paprika
1/2 Lemon squeezed
4 Cod Fillets
1 Green Chilli Finely Sliced
Handful of fresh coriander/parsley finely chopped


1. In a large wide saucepan heat the oil for 2 minutes
2.Add in cumin and carom seeds and fry off for a further 2 minutes until the begin to release their aroma
3.Add in garlic and onions and cook down until caramelised
4.Add in red pepper and tomatoes to cook down for a further 15 - 20 minutes
5. Add in seasoning and a squeeze of lemon, cook off spices for 2 - 3 minutes
6.Add in cod fillets, place lid on and let them poach in the stew for around 12-14 minutes until Cod is cooked through.
7. Garnish with green chillies and fresh herbs, we enjoyed eating ours with some warm buttered crusty bread.

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