5 School breakfast to go: quick and easy

5 breakfasts to go quick and easy by Appetit Voyage
How a proper breakfast should  be!
Most of us are back to school, back to the office and back at work. Most of my friends told me the same struggles: it is difficult to get back to rhythm and wake up early. So most of them skip breakfast and do not fight with the kids to have a balanced breakfast before leaving home.

Though, we all know that it would much healthier and better if we can get all the nutrients and energy to face the long day ahead. Don't you dream to have this delicious and balanced breakfast every morning, like the one above?

Stop starving all morning at the office, eating junk food till lunch time or feeling guilty because the kids did not have something to eat this morning! 


 This is a short list of 5 brekkies you can prepare in advance, healthy, balanced and easy to take with you!

1. Smoothies of course!
I share with you a short list of 6 delicious smoothies some weeks ago. Why don't you keep it in mind!
How to have it ready in advance? Very easy! Peeled and cut all your veggies and fruits and freeze your portion in plastic bags. Then, you just need to take it off the night before, leave it in the fridge overnight, and quickly blend it in the morning. Keep it in a topped mug to go or even in a Mason jar.

Extra lazy tip: I put my frozen fruits directly in the blender and leave it in the fridge overnight... you save 1 bowl to clean... I know, I am that lazy!

Overnight oats with coconut milk and homemade blackberries sauce
Overnight Oats with blackberries sauce
2. Overnight oats
It is a delicious way to have your oats in the morning, without adding a pan on the stove!
It is so easy! Prepare your oats and milk or water the night before. The measure is 1 of oats for 2 of liquid. Add a pinch of salt, 1 tbsp of honey or maple syrup, 1 handful of nuts and seeds, 1 handful of fruits. Put everything in a jar, and let it in the fridge overnight. And ready to go in the morning to school or the office!
You can add your nuts, seeds and fruits in the morning if you prefer. 

3. Granola bars
How to get your granola in a bar? Very easy again!
Prepare your granola as I suggested in my earlier post:
Ingredients for 6 portions:

- 320 gr. (3 cups) of rolled oats

-180 gr. (1.5 cup) of nuts not salted not roasted

- 90 gr. (1 cup) of grated coconut

- 90 gr. (1 cup) of seeds mix

- 1.5 tsp. of salt

- 100 ml (1/2 cup) of maple syrup or honey

- 4 tbsp. of coconut oil

- cinnamon, grounded cardamom and vanilla extract

- raisins, chocolate chips and cocoa nibs

The only thing we will change, is to add a little bit more of honey or maple syrup and then really press the granola mixture in a tray creating a thick layer before going to the oven. This way it will all stick together. Once it is ready. Just break it in pieces and get your brekkie ready for the week!
I would suggest to add a piece of fresh fruit and a warm drink to go with it!

4. Cakes and cookies to go
Several of my recipes are a perfect option for breakfast, packed with nutrients, balanced and full of energy!
All can be made in advance, and even sliced and put in the fridge or freezer till needed. 
There is even better way to bake them! Why don't you pour your cake mixture in muffins tins? Then you have your portion already made! To be honest, any kind of cake can be bake in a muffin mold, so just do it! And do not forget that the baking time will be then much shorter! Do not count more than 20 min in the oven.

chia seeds pudding with homemade raspberries sauce
Chia Seeds pudding with raspberries sauce
5. Chia seeds pudding
I did one of those during the summer for a dessert, but it is soooo perfect for breakfast!
I put 1 measure of Chia seeds for 3 measure of liquid. It can be water, or any milk you like. I chose coconut milk because it is kind of sweet already, and so creamy as well! I added 2 tbsp of honey, and topped it with a raspberry sauce.
You can choose fresh fruit, or prepare in advance some fruit sauce. I put it in a jam jar I have at home. It is ready after 30 min. So you can perfectly prepare it the evening before and get your brekkie ready for the next day.

I hope these ideas will inspire you to spend 15 min in the kitchen at night or during the weekend to upgrade your breakfast ritual! I am also a big fan of a couple of hard boiled eggs when I am in a run.
What is your secret breakfast on the run??? Please share with us!

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