Starting To Live A #BERRYSmart Lifestyle With Organique Acai

Personally, I don't prefer taking too many kinds of vitamins, especially since I always get confused as to which is really most compatible with my body, but most of all, I feel that I'm naturally a healthy type of person.

And given my active lifestyle, I only rely mostly to eating healthy and having my regular intake of vegetables (I'm not a fruit fan, except when I have fruit shakes or juices) which helps me fight off diseases. But lately, I've been drinking a 'shot' of Organique Acai every morning and I realized that I should take care of myself even more, knowing that it won't be too long before I get older and start to feel something that may not be as pleasant as I had thought.  

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Anyway, I wanted to cut to the chase and give you some straight up reasons why I am now adding Organique Acai to my daily food intake. But to be honest, in terms of taste, I must say that NO, at first, it didn't taste good at all. Maybe it's my fault that I didn't shake the bottle before taking some, but I felt like tasting liquid soil. It wasn't a super yummy berry drink that I expected it to be, it was kinda like drinking berry juice with a bit of soil. Kinda gross, but that's just me I guess. Hehe.

But, after a few days I got used to the taste. It did tasted like berries, only more concentrated. But enough of the taste, because here are all the reasons on why Organique Acai is something you should include in your own, active lifestyles.

1. Good source of protein
2. Cleanses and detoxifies the body
3. Enhance muscle regeneration
4. Increases energy and stamina
5. Relieves stress
6. Improves sexual health
7. Aids body synergy
8. Optimally slows aging
9. Helps prevent prostate complications (enlargement)
10. Prevents Osteoporisis
11. Regulates menstrual cycles
12. Helps prevent causes of heart diseases
13. Reduces bad cholesterol
14. Lowers blood pressure
15. Protects blood vessels
16. Helps thwart retinopathy which may lead to blindness
17. Improves glucose and lipid levels
18. Controls weight
19. Improve resistance to diseases
20. Improves immune cell function
21. Prevent free-radical damage
22. Thwarts virus, infections and fungi
23. Helps prevent damage to DNA
24. Improves digestion
25. Overcomes acid reflux
26. Heals ulcers
27. Helps relieve symptoms of Crohn's disease
28. Improves skin tone
29. Defends against premature wrinkles
30. May thwart cancer
31. Reduces arthritis pain
32. Relieves asthma symptoms
33. May reduce risk of Alzheimer's disease
34. Aids vision
35. Maintains healthy teeth and gums
36. Improves mental clarity
37. Better sleep
38. Promotes overall wellness

Now, it terms of price point, I'd have to say that a big bottle currently costs Php2,500.00 for its premium quality. But in my opinion, spending Php2,500 for a few weeks worth of Organique Acai shots is better than spending more on check up and medicine when you get sick, right? After all, you are investing for your health, which should probably be a top priority more than anything else.

Before taking Organique Acai and living on an abused lifestyle with too much drinking and smoking, I'd usually spend days when I am sick and I feel like I am no use at all. But now, I rarely get sick, plus I'd have more time for the things that I want to do, like working late, going to a lot of blogger events without feeling down, and spending more time with my friends and family without stress! Overall, that's living a #BERRYSmart lifestyle!

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For more information on Organique Acai, feel free to visit the following pages:
Organique Acai on Facebook
Organique Acai on Instagram

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