Veggie Veggie Lasagne

Roasted Vegetable, Spinach and Cheese Lasagne 

Now I could not post a recipe for a meat lasagne and not do one for my vegetarian friends, especially given its January and most people are trying to eat healthy, get more greens in their diet and feel better about eating all of those biscuits over Christmas. Although I doubt with the amount of cheese and pasta in this dish; it will feature on any diet plans, but it does taste amazing and contain a lot of vegetables. Bubba actually loves both versions with and without the meat.

This is similar to my lamb lasagne with regards to the fresh lasagne sheets, white sauce and cheese topping. The only difference is the filling is jammed full of your 5 a day. This week at work I attended a very useful healthy eating talk where I learned that we should actually be having 7 a day and 6 of those should be vegetables so this does take some steps in the right directions.

Check out my lamb lasagne here for assembling, freezing and cooking guidelines 

Serves 4-6

Pre heat oven to Fan 200, 220, Gas Mark 7

Ingredients1 Courgette cubed
1 Aubergine cubed
150g Chestnut Mushrooms cubed
1 Red Pepper cubed
1 Orange Pepper cubed
Sea Salt & Black Pepper
2 tbsp. Olive Oil
1 Onion finely chopped
2 Garlic Cloves finely chopped
1 Green Chilli finely chopped (can remove if you do not like the added heat)
250g Baby Spinach chopped
1 tsp, Garlic Salt
1 tbsp Italian Herb Seasoning
400g Passata
2 tbsp Boursin or a soft garlic and herb cheese
1 packet fresh Lasagne Sheets
400ml White Sauce as per Meat Lasagne recipe.


1.Place the cubed courgette, aubergine, mushrooms and peppers onto a baking tray, top with salt, pepper and drizzle of olive oil.

2.Roast for 20 minutes, turn oven down to 190 Fan, 200, Gas Mark 6

3.Add the remaining olive oil to a pan and begin to soften onions and garlic

4.Add in chopped spinach

5.Add in roasted vegetables, passata sauce, seasoning and herbs and cook down for 5-7 minutes

6.Add in boursin cheese, stir and allow to cool

7.Assemble lasagne using the same method as the lamb lasagne to build the layers. Top with white sauce and cheese
8. Either freeze or cook immediately

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