Saturday Salmon Parcel

Happy Weekend Everyone! These are really really simple to make that there was only two stages for me to take pictures of during the cooking process. Great for a simple Saturday or Sunday supper when you fancy something light, tasty and fast in the kitchen. 
I served them with some veg and sweet potato mash and added the flavours of ginger, spring onion and soy to them but they are really versatile and can be adapted to whatever you have lying around. 
Other alternatives could be garlic, ginger and honey, finely sliced leeks and chilli flakes and red onion and five spice parcels. 


2 Salmon Fillets skinless works better but if not can just pull skin on after cooking
1 finely chopped Spring Onion
1 cm finely sliced Ginger
2 knobs of Butter
2 slices of Lemon
dash of Dark Soy
Salt and Pepper
Cooking Oil Spray


1)Take two squares of greaseproof paper and spray lightly with cooking oil

2)Place on salmon fillets followed by spring onion, ginger, butter, lemon, soy and seasoning

3)Fold up paper into a parcel and twist the ends

4)Place in a preheated oven at 190 fan, 200, gas mark 5 for 10-14 minutes

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