Im Back!! And I brought cake!!

I’m Back!!!And I brought cake!!!

After an eighteen month break I’m back, but it has been far from a holiday.

Pretty much the same week I started writing this blog and documenting my dinners I found out I was also starting a new journey along the path of motherhood. It was a lovely surprise for both me and Mr S but it did mean I spent the following 2 months eating mainly toast and jacket potatoes and although both are delicious they don’t make for great blog material.

Before I knew it my 9 months of baking a little bun in the oven were up and along came my beautiful Bubba. Who has for the last 9 months has kept me very entertained, busy and extremely happy. Now that Bubba has spent the same amount of time out of the oven as in, I felt I was ready to start sharing some of my recipes that I have been falling back on over the last few months.

The main thing that has changed for me in terms of food, is probably having even less time than when I was working in the city to make breakfast, lunch and dinner so I have tried to make the recipes as fast as possible with a few cheats thrown in along the way.

Now that we have an extra little mouth to feed at the table I enjoy cooking even more and will add a couple of weaning and baby friendly recipes too over the next few entries.
So without further delay there is only one way I know how to start things and that is with something sweet (part 2).
This recipe came about one cold, rainy evening after putting Bubba to bed and really wanting to eat something warm, chocolaty and delicious but not being able to pop to a desert lounge like we would have done last year. Most things in the recipe I have in my store cupboard which makes this a great cake to whip in 30 mins from start to finish. Its best enjoyed still warm with a cup of tea or scoop of vanilla ice-cream.
Nutella Cake
100g stork
200g caster sugar
4 eggs
200g self-raising flour
½ tsp baking powder
140g Nutella
½ tsp vanilla extract
Spray oil

Stand Mixer (or hand electric whisk)
2 x 9inch cake tins
Greaseproof paper
Palate knife
1.Preheat oven to 185 degrees/170 degrees for fan/Gas mark 4
2.Line the two cakes – easiest way I find to do this is to draw around the bottom of the tin directly onto the greaseproof, cut the circle out and use spray oil to grease the tin
3.Place all ingredients in stand mixer and combine until batter is smooth for approx. 3-4 mins

4.Take out of the oven and cool in the tins for around 5 mins, remove from the tins whilst still warm to the touch
5.Using a palate knife spread Nutella into the middle layer, place second cake on top 
6.Decorate top of cake with even more Nutella and fresh strawberries
7.Cut a slice and enjoy

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