Late Post Series: Comida de Navidad Sunday Brunch at Vask Modern Tapas and Gastronomic Cuisine

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Just a few weeks ago, I posted on my Instagram about my exquisite Comida de Navidad brunch out with the KTG at Vask Modern Tapas and Gastronomic Cuisine in Bonifacio Global City. It's just one of the many surprises that Vask came up for the holidays and because of my hectic schedule, I regret to have posted this sooner because you can no longer avail this as it was intended just in time for the holiday season. It just proves how fast time really flies!

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Eitherway, let me still share with you some photos on what did transpire on that day. Vask never runs out of ideas, so at least this is considered as a quick preview of how they set up their buffet just in case they come up with a similar activity soon. After all, the degustation never ends on my blog!

Cheers to blessings, awesome people, late posts (yes there's more of these lol), and whatevs this year 2016!

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Queso de Bola

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Nuts and Dried Fruits

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Pulpo de Gallega

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This yummy Chicken Relleno

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Grilled Vegetables

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Paella Negra with Sea Bass

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Soup Starter

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Red and White Sangria
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*This post was created by the writer's thoughts on Vask Manila.

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