Beautiful Banana Loaf

Beautiful Banana Loaf

This is one of my all-time favourite loaf cakes to make. I normally make a huge bunch of 5-6 of them for family pre wedding functions as they will stay moist over an Indian wedding week and taste just as great with a cup of tea as they do with a scoop of ice cream to create an instant desert.
The other reason I love them is they are great way to use up over ripe bananas which is what happened when I made the ones below. One of the reason I have not been posting as much lately is little Bubba has started nursery which took up a lot of time during the day whilst settling him in and also in the evenings. He used to eat a banana a day nearly but since he is at nursery more and more he would have his fruit snacks there so I ended up with lots of very ripe bananas in my fruit bowl, which is the perfect excuse to bake two beautiful loafs. I always make two as one is just never enough and disappears very quickly, they also freeze wonderfully to though so you can always freeze one for ‘banana loaf emergency’ occasions. 
This is not a quick recipe, or something you would do after work; I would definitely save this for spare hour and half at the weekend.


325g Soft Light Brown Sugar
200g Stork
300g Plain Flour sifted
½ tsp ground Cinnamon
½ tsp ground Ginger
2 tsp Baking Powder
4 Eggs
3 ripe Bananas (black and squishy are best)
130g Chocolate Chips
20g Walnuts plus extra to decorate on top
Spray Oil


2lb Loaf Tin
Greaseproof Paper
Stand Mixer/ Electric Hand Whisk


1.Preheat oven to 170 degrees fan/190 degrees/Gas Mark 5

2.Line a loaf tin with greaseproof and spray oil on the sides

3.I use a stand mixer to cream together the sugar and stork for around 7 minutes until it is a pale brown colour and creamy, can also use an electric hand whisk to achieve same resultv

4.In a separate bowl sift plain flour, cinnamon, ginger and baking powder

5.Add two eggs followed by half the flour mixture

6.Repeat with remaining eggs and flour mixture, do not over-mix at this stage just until combined

7.Mash bananas together and add to mixture along with chocolate chips and chopped walnuts

8.Place into loaf tins and decorate top with walnut pieces

9.Bake for around 60 – 75 minutes, mine took around 70 minutes but I would begin to check after 60 to see if they are done using a wooden skewer

10.Allow to cool in tins for 5 minutes before removing to enjoy

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