Smart Cookie

Yesterday, my son told me that he had eaten a meringue from the bakery near his school and that he had really enjoyed it. I asked him if he would like to make some the next day, seeing that the next day was a Sunday and I needed to get started on my christmas baking. There was no reason not to add some nice little meringues to my baking repertoire, I actually have cream of tartar in the cupboard and he seemed exited about the prospect of making them. I read about a hundred recipes for meringues and finally settled on the recipe we will use and while I am searching, I get the brilliant idea to make a pavlova for my christmas dinner dessert. I love pavlova and it's one of those things that most people have never had and assume that it is some sort of rare, exotic dish that takes days of preparation and hours of sweat and tears. They never need to know that making a pavlova is basically dessert making for dummies.
It's all good in the shack household and we go to bed, exited about our anticipated baking adventure.

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